Jun 20, 2011
Someone asked me a question this morning about management option for hairy fleabane and it reminded me of a nice publication that Anil, Kurt, and Steve put together a couple years ago. See ANR Publication 8314 here: http://ucanr.org/freepubs/docs/8314.pdf It is also attached as a pdf at the bottom of this post.

These two weeds have been around for a long time but are becoming more widespread throughout the Central Valley and other parts of California in large part due to the selection of glyphosate-resistant biotypes. Both weeds are early invaders of disturbed areas but do not tolerate too much additional tillage because the seedling do not emerge from very deep in the soil profile.
They are very common in orchards, vineyards, roadsides, canalbanks, and many other environments. Because of the resistances that is becoming widespread, the two species are particularly common in areas where weeds are managed solely with glyphosate. An understanding of the biology of the weeds is useful when considering how and when to manage them in your field, orchard, or landscape.
Take care,
Attached Files: