Just published in the Weed Technology journal...
Herbicide Screening for Weed Control and Crop Safety in California Melon Production

Authors: Travis M.Bean, Scott Stoddard, Lynn M. Sosnoskie, Adewale Osipitan, Pratap Devkota, Guy B. Kyser and Bradley D. Hanson
Weed management in cantaloupe and other melon crops, is important to maximize fruit yield; however, there are few registered herbicides available in California. Several independent herbicide trials were conducted at University of California field stations in Davis (Yolo County), Five Points (Fresno County), and Holtville (Imperial County) from 2013 to 2019 to evaluate both registered and unregistered herbicides and incorporation methods (sprinklers, cultivation, or none) for crop safety and weed control in melons. Although specific treatments varied among locations depending on local practice and research objectives, ethalfluralin and halosulfuron were used in all experiments and bensulide and S-metolachlor were evaluated in 4 of 6 site-years. Additional herbicides included clethodim, clomazone, DCPA, napropamide, pendimethalin, sethoxydim, and sulfentrazone. Among registered herbicides, halosulfuron, halosulfuron + ethalfluralin, and ethalfluralin + bensulide combinations provided consistently beneficial weed control across all site-years compared to the non-treated control. S-metolachlor performed as well as the best of the registered herbicides tested at each site-year; while moderate injury was noted at the Davis location this did not reduce melon yield. The method used to incorporate preplant herbicides had a significant impact on weed control efficacy but varied by location. Mechanical incorporation of preplant herbicides resulted in improved weed control and yield compared to sprinklers. Early season weed control, whether by herbicides or hand weeding, resulted in significant yield increase in most site-years.
To read the complete article, visit https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/weed-technology/article/herbicide-screening-for-weed-control-and-crop-safety-in-california-melon-production/0093B08E910C2F0C64EF43EBFBE38016.