Chief Peak 4-H

Mar 26, 2010

Ever wonder what 4-Her’s do? They are busy for sure! Read the following Featured Club Happening, to find what has been happening in the Chief Peak club submitted by club leader Jackie Larson.

Chief Peak meets in Upper Ojai where most of our members live. If you don’t know where that is you can find it up the mountain on HWY 150 between Ojai and Santa Paula.

We have been meeting at Summit School for over 50 years and we’re about as rural as Ventura County gets. The little school we meet at has about 50 kids total and about 10 % of them are 4-Hers. A lot of the parents in our club were members when they were kids. Once 4-H is in your blood it seems to stay there.

Although we may be small in numbers we are mighty in spirit. Our biggest project this year is Market Swine with 17 kids expecting to go to fair this year. Our Mini Horse project marched in the Ojai 4th of July parade along with a trip to Quick Silver Ranch in Solvang. Our Pygmy Goat project is growing by leaps and bounds and this year there will be bouncing babies everywhere. We also have Photography, Scrapbooking, Arts & Crafts, Archery, Beef, Horse, and Rabbits. We’re hoping to get a Science Project going this upcoming year as well.

Community service is a very important part of our club. Last year we collected donations for soldiers in Afghanistan and mailed off 6 big boxes of treats and supplies to them.  Each November in the last few years, we have collected and bagged snacks for the Homeless Shelter Program in Ojai along with sponsoring one of the dinners served at the shelter. We cook all the food and deliver it to the church serving the dinner and some of the older members stay and help serve. We participate in TOTSOCE by bringing in our own donations since we don’t really have neighborhoods to trick or treat in. In December we got together for our annual Holiday Cookie Baking Party. Covered in flour we baked dozens and dozens of cookies for the shelter and ourselves.

The 4-H Featured Club Happenings is part of Cloverlines, our 4-H newsletter. These newsletters can be found on our office website.