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Adding Newsletter to Page

Adding a newsletter asset

Once your group is created, you can add it to a page by selecting the newsletter asset on the asset creation page.

Newsletter asset options

Once you save your new asset, the page will reload with some additional options.

  • Asset Name - You can edit the name of your asset at any time.
  • Show Asset Title - Use this toggle to display or hide the asset title from the page.
  • Select Newsletter - Find your newsletter group from the dropdown. If you do not see any groups listed, none are associated with the site. You need to either create a newsletter group or contact Dave Krause to have one moved over.
  • Maximum Newsletters Listed - Use this feature to limit the number of newsletters displayed. This is very useful for newsletters with many, many issues. A link will appear to view all newsletters should there be more than what is visible to the user.
  • Display Description - The description entered when creating a new group will appear above your list of issues, unless you disable it here.
  • Display Article Description - This feature will display the issue's description in the list. This description will be displayed when a user clicks the issue link.
  • Display Date Added/Edited - Use this feature if you want to add the upload/edit date to your list of newsletters.
  • Display File Extension - If you would like your users to see the file extension of your newsletter in the list, enable this feature.

The deployed asset

This is what our newsletter group looks like with all of the options enabled, including the subscription box.

Individual newsletter issue

Click on the issue name, and you'll go to a page where the issue can be downloaded. You'll also see a link back to the page and to view the entire archive of newsletters.