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Enrichment Programs

4-H Partners with in-school, after-school or summer sessions to offer fun hands-on science activities for children with our Teens as Teachers Program. 

Youth Experiences in Science (YES)

YES is led by teens in partnership with school staff, who serve as trainers and facilitators for the activities, interacting with younger learners as they solve problems, record data, and make inferences in school and out-of-school settings. YES curriculum unit options include:

  • Magic Bubbles -- Bubbles provide a fun and interesting way for children to learn the processes of science. Hands-on experiences teach them to observe, communicate, compare, and organize information about bubbles.
  • The Collection Connection -- As children develop and share collections, they use many of the same skills that scientists use everyday: observation, comparison, classification, and communication.
  • Kitchen Science -- The kitchen is full of sensory experiences that encourage children to learn about scientific thinking processes in a fun, hands-on way.
  • Wonderful Worms -- Worms provide a wonderful medium for applying science concepts and encouraging creative exploration in young children.

Cooking Academy

  • An additional in-school or after-school program is available with a partnership of 4-H, CalFresh Healthy Living and Teens as Teachers. Cooking Academy offers 5-6 weeks of healthy living cooking activities for 3rd - 5th grade students.

To implement YES or Cooking Academy in your in-school or after-school program contact Susan Weaver, 4-H Program Representative at sjweaver@ucanr.edu or (408)282-3119.

Resources to implement Wonderful Worms 

Computer Sciences (CS) Pathway Program

We seek to empower the next generation to succeed in any career field. Beyond the technical skills, learning CS builds skills in a wide range of important areas, including problem solving, digital fluency, and creativity.

To implement the 4-H CS Pathway Program in your in-school or after-school program contact Evelyn Rumsby,Community Education Specialist, erumsby@ucanr.edu


Resources for Computer Science Pathways: