Agenda: The field day will start with coffee and a welcome at the Orange County Great Park. Travel by bus to the Orchard Hills Avocado Grove to see native pollinators in action. Introduced to the Irvine Ranch Conservancy Native Plant Project, learn about why native pollinators matter and get an update on colony collapse disorder.
Return to the Orange County Great Park for a tour of the farm and food lab. Lunch will feature pollinator-dependent foods. The afternoon program will feature an overview of the Native Pollinators in Agriculture Project, the benefits that native pollinators contribute to California agriculture, and a panel discussion of growers’ experiences with native pollinators.
There is no cost to attend. Coffee and lunch will be provided free of charge on the tour.
Detailed agenda:8:00 a.m. Coffee and Registration
8:30 a.m. Welcome and Filed Day Objectives
Rudy Rice- Chairman, Native Pollinators in Agriculture Project
AG Kawamura- Co-Chair, Solutions from the Land Project
9:00 a.m. Orchard Hills Avocado Grove
Irvine Ranch Conservancy Native Plant Project
- Michael O'Connell, Executive Director, IRC
Why Pollinators Matter
- Mace Vaughan, Pollination Program Director, Xerces Society
Colony Collapse Disorder Update
- Eric Mussen, UC Davis Apiculturist
10:30 a.m. Orange County Great Park
Tour Farm & Food Lab and Great Park Farm
12:00 a.m. Lunch (featuring pollinator dependent foods!)
12:45 p.m. Field Day Program
Overview of NPIA Project
- Ray Beck, NASCA
- Ernie Shea, Project Coordinator, NPIA Project
Native Pollinator Contributions to California Agriculture
- Dr. Neal Williams
Assistant Professor of Entomology
UC Davis
Grower Experiences with Native Pollinators
(panel discussion with three growers)
2:15 p.m. Adjourn
Rudy Rice, Chair AG Kawamura, Chair
Native Pollinators in Agriculture Project Solutions from the Land Project410-252-7079. For more information please visit