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H. undatus (Bien Hoa White)

Scientific Name: 
H. undatus

Common Name: 
Bien Hoa White

Plant Description
  • White-fleshed fruit with pinkish-red skin and long bracts.
  • Origin: Bien Hoa Farms, Fallbrook CA 
  • Fruit: oblong; intermediate size, 388 g; skin relatively thin, pinkish-red; flesh very firm, white, with numerous small, black seeds; quality poor; 11.85 Brix; 40 days from bloom to harvest in Southern California; harvest time short, from mid-July to mid-October. 
  • Plant: stems thin but wide, relatively long, triangular, with 3 distinct ridges, when mature, green, with a brown, hard stripe on the ridges; areoles have 3-5 spines with conic shape, similarly sized and arranged in a triangular pattern, 3-5 mm long; segment between areoles convex, 53.3 mm long; flowers intermediate, petals white, calyx light yellow, anthers and stigma bright Yellow.
  • Tolerance to cold and heat low; does not do well in full sun; good for backyard growing in warm areas but little potential for commercial production.