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Agriculture Field Day
Hayfork, CA
This program covers topics including food safety and preservation,
Internet opportunities, livestock and field crops,
and vineyard and orchard development.
Contact: UC Cooperative Extension, Trinity County,
P.O. Box 490, Hayfork, CA 96041; (530) 628-5495.

JUNE 10-11

Committee for Sustainable Agriculture Heartland Conference
California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA
Workshops cover organic fruit and vegetable production,
animal husbandry, herbs and flowers, homesteading, and permaculture.
Farm tours and exhibits are included.
Contact: Committee for Sustainable Agriculture,
406 Main St., #313, Watsonville, CA 95076; (831) 763-2111.

JUNE 16-18

Jepson Herbarium 50th Anniversary Celebration and
Scientific Symposium
UC Berkeley
Experts will discuss California plant diversity
with biological consultants, government agency planners,
conservation biologists, academic researchers, land owners, and the general public.
Contact: Betty Ringrose, Friends of the Jepson Herbarium,
1001 Valley Life Sciences Building #2465, UC Berkeley, CA 94720-2465; (510) 643-7008.

JUNE 26-August 17

Sustainable Agriculture: Principles and Practices
UC Davis Student Farm
This eight-week course includes field activities, lectures,
discussions and field trips that provide an in-depth introduction to
sustainable agriculture. 8 units of UC Davis upper division credit.
Enrollment is limited. Apply early.
Contact: Mark Van Horn, Student Farm, Department of Pomology, 
University of California, Davis, CA 95616; (530) 752-7645.


San Joaquin County Mushroom Meeting
Stockton, CA
Presentations cover topics including shiitake mushroom culture,
oyster mushroom culture, and a grower panel.
Contact: Benny Fouche, UC Cooperative Extension,
San Joaquin County, 420 S. Wilson Way, Stockton, CA 95205

JUNE 29-30

Organic Farming in the San Joaquin Valley 
Reedley College, Reedley, CA
University of California researchers and other speakers
will discuss organic methods for controlling insects, weeds,
diseases, soil biology, composting, and the beneficial aspects of organic matter.
Contact: Richard Molinar, UC Cooperative Extension, Fresno County, 
1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702; (559) 456-7555.


Field Day: Soil Solarization for Weeds, Insects and Diseases
Fresno, CA
Speakers present solarization principles and methods
and lead tours to sites where solarization is in process.
Contact: Richard Molinar, UC Cooperative Extension, Fresno County,
1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702; (559) 456-7555.


Foothill Grape Day
Nevada County, CA
Industry speakers cover topics including cultural practices
in vineyards, varietal selections, industry economics, winery construction, and turnkey concepts.
Contact: UC Cooperative Extension, Placer-Nevada Counties, 
11477 E. Ave., Auburn, CA 95603; (530) 889-7385.


International Short Course on Agroecology
Santa Cruz, CA
The course will explore the application of agroecological
knowledge to the design of sustainable farming systems,
emphasizing the integration of agroecology theory with agricultural practice.
Contact: Erle C. Ellis, International Agroecology Short Course,
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; (831) 459-2506.

AUGUST 27-30

28th International Carrot Conference
Pasco, WA
Topics include carrot production, pest management,
breeding and genetics, and new products and marketing.
Contact: University Center for Professional Education,
2770 University Drive, Suite 202, Richland, WA 99352-1671; (509) 372-7200.

AUGUST 28-31

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) 2000
Basel, Switzerland
Presented in English, this conference covers organic agriculture
and sustainable development topics in lectures, workshops, posters, and panel debates.
Contact: IFOAM 2000, FiBL, Ackerstrasse, CH-5070 Frick - Switzerland; 
phone: +41 (0)62 865 72 97; fax: +41 (0)62 865 72 73, e-mail: ifoam2000@fibl.ch