Specialty and Minor Crops Handbook - Second Edition

$35 plus tax, shipping, and handling
What are specialty or minor crops? How do you grow them? Where do you sell them?
This convenient new bound version of the Specialty and Minor Crops Handbook answers these questions and more. Updated and expanded from the 1990 loose-leaf first edition, this new edition provides niche marketing opportunities for produce growers and sellers and includes
- 192 pages with 104 color photographs
- specialty and minor crop profiles
- a comprehensive bibliography
- a glossary of Asian vegetables with an index to common and scientific crop names
Compiled and edited by scientists, UC Cooperative Extension advisors, and growers, the Specialty and Minor Crops Handbook draws on the expertise of more than 30 University of California and private-sector professionals. These experts have made it their business to know about new and emerging crops.
You can benefit from their years of experience and expertise with this in-depth yet easy-to-read publication. 1998, 192 pp. 3346 ISBN 1-879906-38-4
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View pages from this Publication:
- Contributing Authors
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Oregano, Winter Marjoram
- Jicama, Yam Bean
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