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Camp Registration

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Visit the 4-H Camp Information page for more information on the camp location and packing list.



Sunday, July 20 - Friday, July 25, 2025


Camper Registration Fees

Registration Type Amount Due
4-H Member  (2025 fees TBD)
Non-Member (includes $62 4-H Enrollment Fee)  (2025 fees TBD)


Fees include lodging, meals, activities, canteen, and camp t-shirt.


Registration is first come first serve. Once the camp maximum is reached, a wait list will be started.


4-H summer camp is 'at cost', meaning we charge the minimum fee possible while still covering our financial obligations to the camp facility.  4-H enrollment and annual fee ($62) must be paid to be considered registered for camp.

Age Requirement:  Youth must be 8 yrs old by July 1, 2025 to participate.





Non 4-H Member
  1. Enroll in ZSuite (here are the step-by-step instructions:4-H New Member Enrollment) In ZSuite, select Club/Unit Name as "Jones Gulch 4-H Camp" and Project as "Overnight Camp."After you enroll, the youth will remain as "Awaiting Review" until fees are paid. 
  2. Complete the Online Camper Registration and Payment AND sign and upload the two forms below at the end of the registration form:  
    1. Signed 4-H Camp Rules 
    2. Signed YMCA San Francisco - Release & Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement (Spanish version here).

Paper Forms

Paper forms are available upon request.

Please contact the San Mateo County 4-H office if you have any questions about 4-H enrollment:  smsf4h@ucanr.edu


Current 4-H or Returning 4-H Member
  1. Log into ZSuite  - Check and update medical history information
  2. Complete Online Camper Registration and Payment AND sign and upload the two forms below at the end of the registration:  
    1. Signed 4-H Camp Rules 
    2. Signed YMCA San Francisco - Release & Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement (Spanish version here).


Payment Method

Payment by credit card.  Please see the information at the Online Camper Registration and Payment

Payment deadline:  June 13, 2025



Please contact the San Mateo County 4-H Office: smsf4h@ucanr.edu.
Camp Directors: Allan Bruce and Jeff Richardson