Camp Registration
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Visit the 4-H Camp Information page for more information on the camp location and packing list.
Sunday, July 20 - Friday, July 25, 2025
Camper Registration Fees
Registration Type | Amount Due |
4-H Member | (2025 fees TBD) |
Non-Member (includes $62 4-H Enrollment Fee) | (2025 fees TBD) |
Fees include lodging, meals, activities, canteen, and camp t-shirt.
Registration is first come first serve. Once the camp maximum is reached, a wait list will be started.
4-H summer camp is 'at cost', meaning we charge the minimum fee possible while still covering our financial obligations to the camp facility. 4-H enrollment and annual fee ($62) must be paid to be considered registered for camp.
Age Requirement: Youth must be 8 yrs old by July 1, 2025 to participate.
Non 4-H Member
- Enroll in ZSuite (here are the step-by-step instructions:4-H New Member Enrollment) In ZSuite, select Club/Unit Name as "Jones Gulch 4-H Camp" and Project as "Overnight Camp."After you enroll, the youth will remain as "Awaiting Review" until fees are paid.
- Complete the Online Camper Registration and Payment AND sign and upload the two forms below at the end of the registration form:
- Signed 4-H Camp Rules
- Signed YMCA San Francisco - Release & Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement (Spanish version here).
Paper Forms
Paper forms are available upon request.
Please contact the San Mateo County 4-H office if you have any questions about 4-H enrollment:
Current 4-H or Returning 4-H Member
- Log into ZSuite - Check and update medical history information
- Complete Online Camper Registration and Payment AND sign and upload the two forms below at the end of the registration:
- Signed 4-H Camp Rules
- Signed YMCA San Francisco - Release & Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement (Spanish version here).
Payment Method
Payment by credit card. Please see the information at the Online Camper Registration and Payment
Payment deadline: June 13, 2025
Please contact the San Mateo County 4-H Office:
Camp Directors: Allan Bruce and Jeff Richardson