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2021 Favorite Foods Day


This event provides an opportunity for members in any food project to show-off their cooking skills and receives constructive feedback. Youth that participate have a lot of fun, learn something, develop poise and self-confidence. It can be also be entered in your record book as a demonstration/presentation! See below or the information sheet for more information on registration, rules and preparation. 

Due to the pandemic, we will not have the food tasting part of the event.

Date: May 15, 2021
Evaluation Time: 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Contact: Emma Kurr, emma.kurr@gmail.com
Location: San Bruno 4-H Farm

Favorite Recipe Video Contest

Open to all 4-H youths & adults – you do not have to be in a food project!  Submit a 30 second video of you showing and talking about a favorite recipe. You can include a photo of the dish or the actual dish itself and what you love most about the recipe. You must register and submit your video here: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=33798 no later than 9:00 PM on May 14. The winners will be featured on our San Mateo SF YouTube Channel, Facebook and Instagram

General Information


Any 4-H member enrolled in any Foods or Food Preservation project is eligible to enter in the traditional category. Each member may enter only one item this year due to COVID 19 restrictions.

Primary Members (5-8 years old as of December 31, 2020): Primary member participation will be non-competitive and less stressful. They will be able to use notes for their table setting. They will also answer a couple of questions about their recipe and menu.

Traditional Category Requirements

What to Enter:

Our major emphasis in the 4-H Foods Project continues to be teaching good nutrition principles. Remember when planning your Favorite Food dish and menu to be aware of portions of FAT, SUGAR, AND SODIUM, and how these portions affect your menu. Take into consideration the wide variety of foods recommended under the guidelines of the USDA (see www.choosemyplate.gov).

Food Project members may choose recipes from any source; you are not limited to items made in your project meetings. The food item(s) should be appropriate for your abilities and year in the Food Project. Advanced members should prepare more advanced recipes and will be evaluated accordingly.

Cake Decorating Project members may enter decorated items. The items will be tasted by the evaluators and evaluated on all of the same criteria as all other food entries. (You must prepare a real cake; foam or cardboard forms are not acceptable.)

Food Preservation Project members may enter a preserved item served on an appropriate complimentary food (i.e., jam on biscuits or relish on hot dogs) and or a recipe made with an item you have preserved (i.e., applesauce cake made with your own applesauce). In addition, you must exhibit one unopened container of the preserved food. Remember; the level of difficulty should be appropriate for your level of experience and will be considered in the evaluation.

NOTE:  Foods prepared exclusively from prepared mixes are NOT ALLOWED for Junior, Intermediate or Senior members. Primary level entrants may use prepared mixes.

Evaluation Is Based On:

  1. The quality of the prepared food: the appearance of your dish.
  2. Your knowledge of the food: its preparation, the ingredients, and nutritional qualities (good or bad). Is the recipe neatly printed and legible?
  3. The menu: does it show understanding of balance in food groups, flavors, and texture and color? Is the menu neatly printed on the index card? Is the favorite food underlined in red?
  4. Table setting: Are items properly arranged and appropriate for the planned menu? (Hint: it helps to imagine an occasion or a theme for your meal and select table items to convey that theme).
  5. Presentation and neatness of exhibitor: Your clothes should be neat and clean (4-H uniforms recommended but not required). Where appropriate, ethnic attire can be worn when presenting an ethnic dish. Hands must be clean. If you have hair longer than chin length, it must be tied back, away from your face. Stand poised with your hands at your side; don’t touch your hair or nose nor put your hands in your pockets.


Entrants will be evaluated using the “Danish Judging” method whereby entrants are evaluated against a standard of expectation on their age division and experience. Members are NOT evaluated against each other. All entrants receive an award to acknowledge their effort and participation. Medals will be awarded to the approximately 20% top entries. Your awards and/or participation certificates will be mailed out and you will receive your evaluation via email. Your award will also be printed next to your recipe in the recipe book.

Entry Information and Preparation

Traditional Category Online Entry:
Deadline Extended to May10, 2021 by 9:00 PM

Online entry form: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=33788.

Your entry should include an uploaded, typed or neatly printed copy of your recipe(s). On your recipe, include: your name, age and 4-H club. The recipes will be compiled into a recipe book that will be sent out for the rest of the 4-H county to enjoy!

How to Prepare Your Entry:

Food Safety: Please refer to the Food Safety Guidelines when preparing your food: Food Safety Brochure (English)Food Safety Brochure (Spanish)

Plan a menu for an entire meal that includes your Favorite Food entry. Consider nutrition, color, texture, and flavor. Learn as much as you can about the daily nutritional requirements, such as those published by the USDA under the “Choose My Plate” model, and how your menu meets these requirements. Neatly print or type your menu on a 5” x 8” index card. Underline your Favorite Food in RED. Display this menu at your place setting. Have fun with your menu! Give it a theme that you can work with in your place setting.

Learn your recipe. Neatly print or type your recipe on a 3” x 5” index card to display at your place setting. Practice preparing your favorite food so that you can, from experience, tell the evaluators how to do it. Know all of your ingredients and procedures. More advanced members should also know the nutritive qualities of their favorite food (good or bad) and how it fits in “Choose My Plate.”

Create a Place Setting on which to serve your entire menu as well as your favorite food. (You will only serve your favorite food entry, but set the table for the entire meal). Exhibitors will be evaluated on their ability to set a place setting appropriate for their menu. You must bring your own dishes, utensils, and glasses, including a serving dish and serving utensil. If desired, you may also bring a place mat, tablecloth, napkin, or centerpiece to enhance your place setting. Refer to the diagram and definition of placement of dishes and utensils. The place setting will be evaluated based on this diagram and definition. Memorize this diagram; you will not be allowed to look at notes during your presentation set-up or evaluation.

Practice! Practice setting the table without looking at the diagram. Practice answering questions about your recipe, ingredients, menu, and nutrition.

Prepare one complete recipe for your food entry and bring it to the event (you must present the entire dish). All cooking must be done at home, with the exception of garnishing and dressing. Note that we will not have a space for you to do your finishing touches on your dish so be prepared to do so in your car or do it at home.  Plan your preparation time carefully so that you will arrive with the dish fully cooked, but not overcooked. Keep your hot dish hot, or cold dish cold until you get to the event. Read Food Safety Guidelines, Food Safety Brochure (English)Food Safety Brochure (Spanish), and take the appropriate steps to insure your food is safe. This year, there will be NO refrigerator or oven to keep food at their appropriate temperature.

Even though there will be no tasting at this event, we still require you to follow proper Food Safety guidelines. You are still allowed to enter recipes that are refrigerated or hot but if they smell rotten or look unsafe food safety wise, we will not accept them.

At the Event:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are modifying this event. We will not have any spectators at this event this year due to capacity limit requirements. We will be following the in-person guidelines found here.

Please do not attend or participate in this event if you are sick or have COVID-19 symptoms (frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell) or if you or someone you have been in contact with is diagnosed with COVID-19. Participants will be asked the questions in Health Screening Form and we will be taking your temperature. Only evaluators and youth will be allowed in the room. Face coverings will be required at all times.

You will be assigned a 20 minute time slot for your Favorite Foods Day presentation. This includes time for setting up your place setting and answering questions from evaluators.

  1. Bring your favorite food and your:
  • Place setting
  • Appropriate serving dish and utensil
  • Menu printed on 5” x 8” card
  • Recipe printed on index card
  1. Arrive 10 min before your scheduled time and check in. Once you check in, wait in your car.
  2. When it is your time to set up your place setting, someone will come get you from your car. You will be directed to a table to set up your place setting from the evaluators’ viewpoint. Bring with you both your place setting materials and your dish. You will have about 10 minutes to set up, which is more than enough time for you to complete the task. Reminder you may not look at your notes.
  3. When you have completed setting the table, stand poised, across the table from the evaluators’ seats, and await instructions.
  4. Following your evaluation, clear the table and take home your food. Due to COVID-19 protocols and social distancing, we ask that you leave as soon as you are done with your presentation.