ANR Statewide Conference 2013
ANR Statewide Conference 2013
ANR Statewide Conference 2013
University of California
ANR Statewide Conference 2013

1-E. Work Environment

Personal Safety for the Field

Who should attend? Anyone who conducts work outside a typical office environment or works alone in an office.

Presented by John Chadwell, ehs International, Inc. (View Presentation)

The course is intended to give each participant a tactical “edge” in avoiding or escaping violent victimization. Training topics include how to heighten your state of awareness and learning prevention methods to avoid or escape violent behavior before it happens. Each participant will be taught how to create a plan of action should they be forced to defend themselves and create escape options. Participants will be taught how to shop, how to drive, how to carry their purse (women) and how to walk around with confidence. Participants will be taught how to react during an "Active Shooter Incident" crisis situation when this incident occurs at a place of business and away from the office.


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