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7:00 AM

Exhibitor Setup


Registration and Trade Show


Welcome and Introductions

Peggy Mauk, Director of Agricultural Operations, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Kathryn Uhrich, Dean, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, UC Riverside

Michael Anderson, Divisional Dean, Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, UC Riverside

Patricia Springer, Chair, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Jim Baird, UC ANR CE Associate Specialist, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside


Field Tour Rotation #1 (20 minutes per stop; participants choose four out of six stops)

Stop #1: Improvement of Bermudagrass, Kikuyugrass, and Zoysiagrass for Winter Color Retention and Drought Tolerance

Adam Lukaszewski, Professor, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Stop #2: Evaluation of Fungicides for Control of Anthracnose on Annual Bluegrass Putting Greens

Katarzyna Jagiello-Kubiec, Visiting Student, Warsaw University, Poland

Jim Baird, UC ANR CE Associate Specialist, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Stop #3: Plant Growth Regulators for Bermudagrass, Kikuyugrass, and Seashore Paspalum Management

Martino Cuccagna, Visiting Student, University of Padua, Italy

Jose Espeleta, Principal Ag Tech, Dept. of Agricultural Operations, UC Riverside

Stop #4: Postemergence Control of Crabgrass in Tall Fescue

Maggie Reiter, UC ANR CE Advisor, Fresno, Madera, Tulare and Kings Counties, Environmental Horticulture

Stop #5: A New Nematicide against the Pacific shoot-gall nematode Anguina pacificae

J. Ole Becker, UC ANR CE Specialist and Nematologist, Dept. of Nematology, UC Riverside

Stop #6: Evaluation of Products for Salinity Alleviation

Marco Schiavon, Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside


Break and Trade Show


Field Tour Rotation #2 (20 minutes per stop; participants choose four out of seven stops)

Stop #7: How Much Water Does a Lawn Need? and Products That Can Make Bermudagrass Look Better With Less Water

Marco Schiavon, Postdoctoral Scholar, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Stop #8: Evaluation of Turfgrass Species and Cultivars Under Deficit Irrigation

Katarzyna Jagiello-Kubiec, Visiting Student, Warsaw University, Poland

Martino Cuccagna, Visiting Student, University of Padua, Italy

Stop #9: Kurapia! A New and Improved Groundcover for Drought and Saline Conditions

Jim Baird, UC ANR CE Associate Specialist, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Stop #10: Have You Considered Zoysiagrass?

Steve Ries, Staff Research Associate, Dept. of Agricultural Operations, UC Riverside

Stop #11: Evaluation of Groundcovers with no Supplemental Summer Irrigation for Water Conserving Landscapes

Don Merhaut, UC ANR CE Specialist, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Dennis Pittenger, UC ANR CE Area Environmental Horticulturalist, Dept. of Botany and Plant Sciences, UC Riverside

Stop #12: Research Update: Minimum Irrigation Requirements of Large Publically and Privately Maintained Landscapes

Janet Hartin, UC ANR CE Advisor, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties

Loren Oki, UC ANR CE Associate Specialist, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis

Dave Fujino, Director, California Center for Urban Horticulture, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UC Davis

Stop #13: So, You Think Your Turf/Landscape Plants Have a Disease. What Next?

Alex Putman, UC ANR CE Assistant Specialist, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Riverside


Barbeque Lunch and Trade Show

