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Welcome to the official web site for the University of California Academic Assembly Council. The mission of the Assembly Council is to provide a forum to enhance the impacts of Cooperative Extension programs and address the professional needs of Cooperative Extension academic employees. Let us know if you are interested in serving on a committee.

Professional Society Meeting Travel Awards

Funding Opportunity

The October 2024 - December 2024 call is open. 

What are Academic Assembly Council (AAC) Travel Funds? These funds support travel to meetings with professional societies which are recognized organizations holding regularly scheduled meetings primarily for the reporting and exchange of knowledge among members. They publish peer-referred journals and/or edit proceedings of meetings to promote professional growth.

Who can apply? Cooperative Extension Advisors, Academic Coordinators, and Cooperative Extension Specialists are eligible for one meeting approval per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

When is the application period? Calls for applications will be posted throughout the fiscal year. 

Find out more!

Coffee with the Assemblies

What: Coffee with the Assemblies

Who: All ANR staff and academics are welcome to join leadership from Staff Assembly Council (SAC) and Academic Assembly Council (AAC) for monthly drop-in “coffee chats.”

When: Every fourth Tuesday of the month from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Why: These “coffee chats” will let SAC and AAC know what is on your mind to help inform each assemblies’ priorities, goals, and programs, and to help foster a spirit of collaboration between ANR’s staff and academics. AAC and SAC will also provide updates on our current work and let you know how you can get involved in a solutions-oriented approach to proactively shaping your workplace.

How: Join using this Zoom Link. Download the calendar invitation to add the meetings to your calendar.

February’s Topic: ANR New Year Pulse Check – how are you feeling going into the new year? What is on your mind?

2022 Distinguished Service Awards Announced

Congratulations to the award recipients!

  • Outstanding Research: Mark Hoddle
  • Outstanding Extension: Rebecca Lyn Brock
  • Outstanding New Academic: Aparna Gazula
  • Outstanding Team: Winter Cover Cropping/Water Use Team
  • Outstanding Leader: Gail Feenstra
  • Outstanding Contribution to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Kathrine Soule