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Mark Bolda's Berry Blog & Fresas y Moras

Strawberries and Caneberries
  • Mode of Action of Sefina

    With the recent Section 18 permit to use Sefina insecticide for control of lygus bugs in strawberry, a number of growers and PCA's have approached both of us concerning the mode of action of Sefina, of which the active ingredient is afidopyropen. From...

    By Mark P Bolda
    Author - Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries
  • Some Thoughts on Intellectual Honesty

    I'm a sucker for buying books at the airport, I think it's because so much free time beckons not only at the airport while waiting to board but then also in the airplane itself. So I recently bought at SeaTac the book "Think Again: The Power of...

    By Mark P Bolda
    Author - Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries
  • Mandrin-Melonberry-HS-Female-1
    Not a Raspberry, So What is It

    Out for a run in Bellingham last week to maintain my strength for the rigors of the CA berry industry when I spied a tree sporting raspberry-like fruit like those pictured below (and hence my senses being drawn to it immediately).  I've done...

    By Mark P Bolda
    Author - Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries
  • Announcing Plasticulture Field Day July 30

      Mark here - I've got an admin responsibility on the same day, so won't be at this meeting, but nevertheless encourage one and all who are interested in seeing firsthand our team's trial of various biodegradable plastics in the field to...

    By Mark P Bolda
    Author - Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries
  • Sunscald on Ouachita blackberry.
    Sunscald on Blackberry

    I made a visit to a beautiful blackberry field a few days ago and was shown this example of sunscald, in this case on mature Ouachita blackberry. Notice these are not tunneled, and also one observes immediately that only the part of the fruit facing...

    By Mark P Bolda
    Author - Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries
Fresas y Moras