UCR Urban Entomology
UCR Urban Entomology
UCR Urban Entomology
University of California
UCR Urban Entomology


UC IPM Urban IPM Website (Dr. Andrew Sutherland)

Bay area urban IPM advisor, Dr. Andrew Sutherland's homepage. 






UC IPM Urban IPM Website (Dr. Siavash Taravati)

Los Angeles area urban IPM advisor, Dr. Siavash Taravati's homepage.






UCR Urban Entomology Program

UCR's Urban Entomology Program website.

Information on upcoming educational event, recent / ongoing research projects and findings.




UC IPM Pest Notes

Great resource for common household / garden pests. Identification, biology, control options, etc.






CA DPR funded Reduced IPM Project Pesticide Use Database

Pesticide use database designed for a previous CA DPR funded project. It contains pesticide use data from three collaborating pest management companies in California.



Webmaster Email: donghwan.choe@ucr.edu