Attend our final e3 Community-Scale Wood Bioenergy Workshop in Eureka in-person or over the web.

Nov 1, 2013

Join us Thursday, November 7th at the Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center  or virtually via live webinar for the last of our fall 3e Community-scale Wood Bioenergy workshop series.  In this workshop, we bring together experts in woody biomass utilization and bioenergy issues from California universities, state agencies, community organizations, and private enterprise to discuss topics ranging from planning and siting to operating and monitoring community-scale bioenergy facilities. 

More information, registration and  and a detailed program is available on our website.
Woodley Island

   Recent wildfire activity throughout California has made evident the pressing need to re-create the diminished legacy of California's fire tolerant forest landscape. Critical to this goal is the development of markets for low-value residues from forest management. With several recent policy initiatives coming to fruition in California (Senate Bill 1122, Assembly Bill 32), meaningful incentives for forest-based bioenergy may soon be available to help meet California's demand for stable, renewable electricity and heat. The 3e workshop brings together a diverse panel of experts, organizers, agencies, and land managers to:

  • Address near term opportunities for development of bioenergy capacity in the region
  • Increase practical understanding of critical environmental, engineering, and economic (3e) considerations 
  • Provide a forum for stakeholders to identify issues, forge partnerships and articulate a vision for the role of wood bioenergy in forest restoration and management at the regional scale.

   Registration for the workshop is just $25 ($10 for students) and lunch is provided. However, space is limited and on-site attendance is only available on a first come, first serve basis so please register for this workshop ASAP. Presentations will start at 9am and run till 5pm in Room 203 of the HSU Aquatic Center. For those of you still interested but unable to join us in Eureka, we will also be hosting the workshop online and live via webinar. You can tune-in with your browser to

Where: Aquatic Center, Humboldt State University (Map), 921 Waterfront Drive Eureka, CA 95501

or: Join via the web at Registration is free for those attending via webinar. If you plan to join online, please register so we can anticipate our bandwidth requirements.


When: November 7th, 9 am to 5 pm

Who: UC Berkeley, UC Cooperative Extension, Hayfork Watershed Research and Training Center, Schatz Energy Research Center, Environmental Protection Information Center, Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, Six River NF, Green Diamond Resource Company, Headwaters Fund, Redwood Capital Bank, Continental Resources, North Coast AQMD, and YOU.