2014 Wood-to-Energy Program Overview Webinar

May 16, 2014

2014 USFS Wood to Energy Grant Program Overview

Friday May 15, 13:30 - 15:00


The Woody Biomass Utilization Group hosted a webinar on the US Forest Service Wood to Energy Grant Program. As the deadline for submission is nigh, this webinar was dedicated to answering questions applicants developing proposals. The presenters included application reviewers from previous years as well as successful applicants from the region.



Webinar Link


Introduction and Objectives -- 5 min -- Peter Tittmann (UC Berkeley)


W2E Grant Program Overview -- 15 min -- Larry Swan (USFS R5 State and Private Forestry)


Tips on a successful application -- 10 min -- Mark Knaebe (USFS Forest Products Lab)

  • Repetition in the application is a negative, be kind to reviewers and site appropriate sections instead of repeating.

  • Create text-searchable pdf applications. Generate pdf directly from the word processing program used (eg Word). Don't print ad scan

  • Adjust image resolution to reduce file size


Case Studies:

Mik McKee: Sierra Institute for Community and Environment -- 10 min

        “A compelling story with no holes”

    • economically sound

    • ecological impact

    • letters of support

    • feasibility studies

    • financial pro-formas for a range of technologies

    • how is your project innovative and viable?

        Elissa Brown: North Fork Community Development Corporation -- 10 min

    • Feasibility study may provide most of the information needed for the application
    • Feasibility studies are critical
    • 2 bids for engineering services

    • System Impact Study necessary for interconnection (Rule 21) PG&E does the work $40-50k but can be more or less.
    • Proven technology and experienced management team. 

Q&A -- 40 min

Presenter Contact Information & Links

Peter Tittmann

UC Berkeley Center for Forestry


(510) 665-3518

Mik McKee

Sierra Institute for Community and Environment


(530) 284-1022

Larry Swan

US Forest Service Region 5 State and Private Forestry


(707) 562-8917

Elissa Brown

North Fork Community Development Corporation


(559) 877-2432

Mark Knaebe

USFS Forest Products Lab

(608) 231 9422

Large file application:

Upload Link