Tracking climate benefits of forest management activities

Apr 16, 2015

Dr. William Stewart (UC Berkeley Cooperative Extension) gave a useful presentation on the Forest Carbon Calculator for California at this week's "California Forests and Greenhouse Gas Reduction webinar series".

Dr. Stewart presented a tool ( to assist landowners with assessing potential climate impacts of forestry projects. For those who missed the webinar or wish to watch again, the full presentation may be viewed online at:

Additionally, a preprint (CalAg-Stewart_Sharma_carbon_calculator) of the "Carbon calculator tracks the climate benefits of managed private forests" article by William C. Stewart and Benktesh D. Sharma is now available as well as a copy of the presentation. Additional questions about the presentation or the calculator may be directed to Bill to or 510 643 3130

By Ricky Satomi
Author - Forestry/Natural Resources Advisor

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