2010 WBU Grant Program Announced

Sep 17, 2009
The details for the 2010 Hazardous Fuels Woody Biomass Grants Program have been announced on grants.gov.  

The program is run by the USDA Forst Service State and Private Forestry Technology Marketing Unit (TMU).  All materials are on the TMU website (righthand column of website).   

The national program is intended to help improve forest restoration by using and creating markets for small-diameter material and low-valued trees removed from hazardous fuel reduction and forest health activities. These funds are targeted to help communities, entrepreneurs, and others turn residues from hazardous fuel reduction and forest health projects into marketable forest products and/or energy products.

In the past successful grant applicants have typically purchased either harvesting or processing equipment to add value to woody biomass.  Check out the 2009 projects list and map to get an idea of successful projects. 

There are a number of key changes from previous years: 

  • Funding amount: potentially up to $10m available – not guaranteed  [up from $4m in previous years]
  • Individual projects: $50,000 (min)-$350,000 (max) [up from $250,000 max previously]
  • Allocation of funds: 50% of funds will target high priority National Forests.  The other 50% will target low priority National Forests and other eligible forests [previously targeted National Forests only].
  • Timeline:
    • Pre-application deadline November 20th 2009
    • Full application deadline April 2nd 2010

We will post further information here as necesssary.  Look out for some grant workshops soon.

By Gareth J Mayhead
Author - Academic Coordinator - Forest Products