Woody Biomass Grants - $5m available

Nov 4, 2009

Thanks to the 160+ people that came to our series of grant information workshops across the state.  The feedback was very positive and it is likely that we will repeat the workshops in the future to help raise awareness of funding opportunities for those looking to process or add value to woody biomass.

The Forest Service budget for the 2010 Hazardous Fuels Woody Biomass Utilization Grants will be $5m based on the 2010 Interior Appropriations Bill.  This is less than the amount anticipated so therefore the competition for the grants will be stronger.  Potential applicants should consider how they will compare to others and whether to apply for less than the maximum $350,000 whihc will give the agency better value for money.

By Gareth J Mayhead
Author - Academic Coordinator - Forest Products