Eureka Workshop March 25 2010

Mar 2, 2010

The UC Woody Biomass Utilization Group and UCCE Humboldt-Del Norte Counties are holding a workshop on Woody Biomass to Energy at the UC Office in Eureka on March 25 2010.

This workshop will help you to understand the basics of different conversion technologies including scale, cost, raw material specification and whether they are proven or emerging technologies.  This will help the audience understand the opportunities for the North Coast of California.


We will start with a recap on woody biomass basics and then focus on woody biomass to energy conversion technologies including:
- Thermal (heat)
- Electricity and combined heat and power (CHP)
- Emerging technologies including:
- Gasification
- Pyrolysis
- Liquid fuels

There will be a field tour to local facilities in the afternoon.

You input into the topics we cover is important - when you register you can suggest other topics and tell us which is your highest and lowest priority.

Further information and registration is here.

By Gareth J Mayhead
Author - Academic Coordinator - Forest Products