Densified Fuels Workshop - Eureka Oct 18

Oct 7, 2010

This workshop is a follow-up to the Woody Biomass to Energy workshop held in Eureka in March 2010 (presentations from that workshop are online at

The aim is to help the audience to understand the products in the densified wood fuels family and the opportunity for project development in Northern California.  Presentations will look at the manufacturing principles, suitable feedstocks, markets and challenges.

Products discussed will include:
- Pellets
- Fuel logs
- Bricks


We will also look at five examples of project approaches in California to see how businesses have attempted to enter the densified fuels market.  There will be opportunities for questions and discussion.  The presenter will be Gareth Mayhead from UC Berkeley.  Valerie Weyna and Ernie Schutlze of Red Rooster Heating Products, one of the few pellet mills in California, will also be talking about their experiences with manufacturing densified wood fuel products on the North Coast.

University of California Cooperative Extension Office,
5630 S. Broadway Eureka, CA

Time: 12:30pm-3pm

There is no cost to register if you sign-up online in advance

Registration and refreshments will be available at 12.30pm and the workshop will start at 1.00pm.

Presented by:

University of California Berkeley, Center for Forestry
University of California Cooperative Extension
USDA Forest Service, Region 5

Updates at:

By Gareth J Mayhead
Author - Academic Coordinator - Forest Products