Sierrra Solutions Presentations Online

Oct 30, 2008

The presentations for the Sierra Solutions conference are now online on the Sierra Business Council website.  They are in PDF format. 

The biomass utilization session was titled "Old School Fuels: Linking Forest Health and Regional Prosperity".  The three speakers started with the resource base, introduced stewardship contracting as a tool, moved on to an analysis of logical biomass utilization pathways and then focused on the Fuels for Schools program

Forest biomass looking for a market in Inyo National Forest near Mammoth

We had a great discusion with the audience on a number of issues. Thanks for the active participation - it really added value to the afternoon!

I left with some new contacts and a numebr of potential project concepts for the Eastside of the Sierra.

We are currently planning a number of new workshops for Spring 2009.  One will be in the Southern Sierra (West slope) and another in Paradise (near Chico).  Watch this space for more information.