Webinar: 2013 USFS Woody Biomass Utilization Grant program

Feb 20, 2013

What: The UC Berkeley Center for Forestry will host a webinar focused on providing information to interested parties about the recently announced USFS Hazardous Fuels Woody Biomass Utilization Grant Program. The webinar will cover:

  1. An brief overview of the program goals and objectives
  2. Details on requirements for applications
  3. Funding levels, matching funds, individual application limits
  4. Other sources of funding for forestry activities, and business development related to bioenergy
  5. Technical assistance available to applicants.


When: Thursday, February 28, 2013 from 10-11:30 AM


Where: Your nearest web-connected computer


How: Register here and we will send you information about how to connect.

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Further information about the WBUG solicitation is available on the Woody Biomass blog, USDA Forest Products Lab, and the Federal Register


The Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, State and Private Forestry (S&PF), Technology Marketing Unit, located at the Forest Products Laboratory, has requested proposals for wood energy projects that require engineering services. These projects will use woody biomass, such as material removed from forest restoration activities, wildfire hazardous fuel treatments, insect and disease mitigation, forest management due to catastrophic weather events, and/or thinning overstocked stands. The woody biomass shall be used in a bioenergy facility that uses commercially proven technologies to produce thermal, electrical or liquid/gaseous bioenergy.