UCCE Yolo County Master Gardeners/Yolo County Library Workshops
On Zoom (https://yolocounty.zoom.us/j/88095498107 ,
Contact: Yolo County Master Gardeners (530) 666-8737
Sponsor: UCCE Master Gardener Program of Yolo County

The UCCE Master Gardeners-Yolo and the Yolo Library will hold its regular semimonthly Gardening Workshops in June on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. The topic is “Create Your Pollinator Habitat”. Led by Master Gardener Paula Haley, this talk will provide the information needed to provide a pollinator friendly habitat for your landscape, garden or backyard.  Increase the number of pollinators in your garden and learn the characteristics of bees and butterflies to help you make good choices for plants and how all gardens benefit from the presence of pollinators.  Join in to learn how supporting pollinators and beneficial insects adds to our overall biodiversity.

On Zoom (https://yolocounty.zoom.us/j/88095498107