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News and updates from the statewide UC Master Gardener Program office.
by JT Williams
on June 25, 2013 at 10:48 AM
Very well written Missy and I couldn't agree with you more.  
Cheers JT
by Yvonne Savio
on June 25, 2013 at 1:55 PM
Pam, it's been glorious working with you since your Advisor days and especially your being our Statewide MG face! Do play at new adventures!
by Cynthia D White
on June 25, 2013 at 3:31 PM
Oh how we sometimes hate change - in this case it's because we will be missing a great leader - thank you Pam for all your help and cheerful responses each time we have asked for your help. Enjoy your life and know that you have made ours better!!
by Peggy Beltramo
on June 25, 2013 at 6:24 PM
Pam, your leadership has shaped a statewide Master Gardener program all of us can be proud of. I know Missy will continue to add to your powerful shaping of a very special program that enriches the lives of California gardeners and those of us who serve them.
by Lucy Heyming
on June 26, 2013 at 9:47 AM
Pam, we have appreciated all you have done these many years to strengthen the Master Gardener Program. We are better for it and know that you have built a strong foundation for Missy to continue. Enjoy your retirement and think of us fondly now and then as we will think of you.
by Dorothy M Downing
on June 26, 2013 at 10:03 AM
How well I remember your gardening program on Valley PBS, Pam. Little did I know back then that our paths would cross many times as I,too, became a Master Gardener. Thank you for your dedication to the program and for your role in improving our programs statewide. I am happy to hear that you will continue in the statewide steering committee. Thank you for your continued commitment. I look forward to meeting Missy and working with her in the future.
by Amanda Crump
on June 26, 2013 at 12:50 PM
Pam - Thanks for being our fearless leader. Thanks for being so influential and positive and thanks for helping us change the landscapes that nourish the souls of California gardeners! Enjoy retirement!
by Pamela S. Bone
on June 26, 2013 at 3:38 PM
Pam, I enjoyed knowing and working with you "back in the day" when we were both fledgling farm advisors just starting Master Gardener programs in our respective counties. In addition to leading a successful Master Gardener program, you also did much for the landscape horticulture profession, Both programs immensely enriched the residents of Fresno Co. and beyond. From all I've heard and observed, you have also been an outstanding Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator, who will surely be missed by the University and Master Gardeners. But, your continued involvement as a Master Gardener volunteer means your talent will be used for the good of the Master Gardener program for many years to come. Congratulations on your Emeritus staus and best wishes for a fruitful (yes, pun intended) retirement.
by Stephanie Pocock
on June 26, 2013 at 3:49 PM
I really cannot thank you enough Pam. You are a great leader and the MGP is evidence of your skills. Enjoy some time in the garden, and do some traveling.  
Welcome Missy you've had a super teacher and I know you will do a terrific job!
by Margaret Burnett
on June 27, 2013 at 2:48 PM
Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication to the Master Gardener Program. California is the better for it. Best wishes on your retirement!
by Pauline [GB] Y Sakai
on June 27, 2013 at 3:13 PM
I'm happy for your retirement and think back on the many positive contributions that your presence has made to the Master Gardener Program. I will miss your warm and welcoming ways that made me feel like my volunteerism as an MG was truly appreciated. Congratulations on your new emeritus status.  
Welcome - Missy!  
Pauline Sakai, Placer County Master Gardener
by Robin Y Rivet
on June 28, 2013 at 1:08 PM
Pam we'll miss you, but we welcome the fact that the state chose to validate the MG program by realizing that your vital retiring shoes needed to be filled, and without delay. Welcome Missy Gable. If we/I can do anything at all to ease your transition, I have been around the MG block for a long time, (17 years) and intend to remain active. There is much to do!
by Leslie A. Parent
on June 29, 2013 at 11:58 AM
Pam - Congratulations on your illustrious career and the big reward, retirement WITH emeritus status! You have set the tone for the Master Gardener program, mixing fun with integrity and guidance. I remember the presentation you did for SM-SF counties at our Annual Meeting, “Building Community in Your MG Program” with the analogies of hats to wear in various situations. Which hat will you wear now? Try on a comfy, floppy gardening hat : ) Keep in touch! Leslie
by Synthia Quan
on June 30, 2013 at 9:23 PM
hi pam  
i didn't realize how lucky i was when i became a fresno county mg....back in the day when you were still in fresno. i remember you had a broken leg, but you were still going full speed with directing our training, the GOS, and our program.  
it was sad when you left, but it turned out that you didn't 'leave'. you continued to work for US, and the entire state of california.  
you say you're retiring....REALLY... i'll just say i'm looking forward to hearing your next presentation. take care. thank you for all you've done for us.
by Sam Foushee
on July 3, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Hi Pam,  
I treasure the time I got to spend working with you on the State Steering Committee, and I'm sure our paths will cross again. Best wishes in the next chapter of your journey.  
by Sam Foushee
on July 3, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Hi Pam,  
I treasure the time I got to spend working with you on the State Steering Committee, and I'm sure our paths will cross again. Best wishes in the next chapter of your journey.  
by Sam Foushee
on July 3, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Hi Pam,  
I treasure the time I got to spend working with you on the State Steering Committee, and I'm sure our paths will cross again. Best wishes in the next chapter of your journey.  
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