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News and information from UC Cooperative Extension about alfalfa and forage production.
Tractor & Hay bales
by ronald leimgruber
on February 4, 2014 at 9:24 AM
thanks dan you are a big asset to our industy . keep up the good work!!!!!!
by Bill Wilson
on February 8, 2014 at 5:07 AM
The Progressive forage Grower has a nice article about double compressing bales of hay AND wrapping them as if they were silage.  
When this becomes common practice irrigation water will indeed be shipped off shore in a Container full of high moisture hay.  
Currently shipping hay is not directgly shipping water, but with 30% or 40% moisture packages then we will truly be shipping water to China.  
see pp 29 & 30 Wrapping high-moisture alfalfa hay: Opportunities and Issues  
Steven C. FRANSEN AND W.T.W. Woodward for Progressive Forage Grower,  
Bill Wilson
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