“This is ANR's third year in implementing the STAR Award Program, and I was very pleased with the number of outstanding nominations submitted,” said VP Barbara Allen-Diaz, as she announced the recipients. “As vice president for ANR, it was an honor to read about so many dedicated ANR staff employees who have given so much of themselves to support ANR programs and research. Congratulations to all the 2014-15 STAR Awardees.”
Two teams and 20 individuals were honored. Listed below are the recipients' names and the outstanding service for which they are being recognized.
Elkus Ranch Team Educators, UCCE San Mateo/San Francisco: Kathi Baxter, Leslie Jensen, Denise Kelly, Beth Loof, Julie Mathiasen, Teri Pacheco, Nancy Poss and Robin Tierney.
The team's work and dedication to the Elkus Ranch Environmental Education Center provides outstanding educational and learning opportunities for more than 9,000 children each year.
2015 National Extension and Research Administrative Officers' Conference Planning Committee: Jennifer Bunge, Ben Chin, Sherry Cooper, Deb Driskill, Brian Oatman, Joni Rippee and Teresa Soito.
This cross-cutting planning team worked tirelessly throughout the year to plan and coordinate every detail of a very successful National Conference, again bringing national attention to UC ANR.
2014-15 STAR Individual Awards:
Karen Werner Bryce, UCCE Santa Clara: development of a plan to restructure the organizational infrastructure of the UCCE Santa Clara County 4-H Youth Development Program.
Whitney Bell, Youth Families and Communities: management of two complex 4-H Online systems, especially her management of the 4-H Financial Systems for reporting to UCOP how approximately $8 million is used.
Melanie Caruso, Program Planning and Evaluation: leadership in successfully taking on the ANR Competitive Grants Program and assisting other Office of Program Planning Evaluation team members in learning the grants program processes.
Jennifer Crouch, Human Resources – Staff Personnel Unit: dedication as a Human Resource team member in modeling positive and sustainable organization and leadership skills.
Wendy Ernst, Contracts and Grants: development of a series of references and resources files of useful materials on policy and procedures, as well as useful tools for the UC ANR Contracts and Grants team to use.
Kim Ingram, Academic Personnel Unit: streamlining and creating a focused advertising list based on programmatic disciplines for our ANR academic recruitments and targeting specific universities for our ANR academic positions.
David Krause, CSIT: leadership of ANR's Web team during a prolonged and challenging time of multiple levels of leadership at ANR and the development of a sustainable funding and staffing model that will allow the ANR's Web team to continue building program-critical technology in support of ANR's mission.
Catherine Montano, Administrative Policies and Business Contracts: Catherine's comprehensive work in structuring and drafting a series of MOUs, which are a form of business contract between ANR and campuses, that exhibited a high degree of understanding, insight and foresight of the needs and requirements of all parties.
Cheryl Reynolds, UC IPM: maintaining an IPM database of close to 100,000 photos and coordination of UC IPM's blog communication, which has greatly increased IPM's social media presence.
Joni Rippee, Program Planning and Evaluation: leadership on the UCPath Steering Committee, ANR Efficiency Review Working Group and as chair of the ANR Financial Workgroup. She has brought a tremendous amount of ANR knowledge and expertise to these groups in assisting them to meet their goals and objectives.
Nath Say, UCCE Fresno County: planning and organizing of highly visible interactive plays and events for thousands of children and adults who participate in the UCCE Fresno County CalFRESH program.
Patrick West, Kearney REC: participation in major projects beyond his normal scope of work at the Kearney REC by assisting the Westside REC with renovation of their laboratory and resolving their longstanding HVAC problems.
Shannah Whithaus, UC IPM: revision of The Safe and Effective Use of Pesticides and work in ensuring that the UC Pesticide Application Compendium supports the learning objectives of the reader.