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News and information from UC Cooperative Extension about alfalfa and forage production.
Tractor & Hay bales
by Jason Husbands
on March 29, 2020 at 7:19 AM
I’ve had complete fields die to the ground after a spring application of Glyphosate since 2015 but also seems to be variety specific and as late as 2019 just small amounts of necrosis in later spring Applications of glyphosate. Also was never informed by the company that this would happen however they did pay for 50% of re-plant but the crop was a total loss for genetics international through croplan and WL Have seemed unable and unwilling to really help with this problem seems they just want to get their seed out there and make money off of the customer without having any accountability the crops specifically says it can be sprayed with Roundup and Or glyphosate and it clearly cannot handle the spring application when the weather dips below 29° even after up to four days sometimes a week after application seemed unable and unwilling to really help with this problem seems they just want to get their seed out there and make money off of the customer without having any accountability the crops specifically says it can be sprayed with Roundup or Glyphosate and it clearly cannot handle a spring application when the weather dips below 29° even after up to four days sometimes a week after Application. Consequently we have gone back to spring and ALS To clean up Flix weed and other mustard because we cannot use glyphosate in the spring without damaging the crop this is not the reason that I planted Roundup ready alfalfa it’s very counterproductive
by Tokomesinku
on November 7, 2020 at 4:42 AM
As this scientific story was developing, a puzzling aspect was the injury was non-uniform in the field and did not fit the typical symptoms of glyphosate injury.
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