Informatics and GIS Training
Informatics and GIS Training
Informatics and GIS Training
University of California
Informatics and GIS Training

Site Information




Intro to Geographic Information Systems (GIS):
Environmental Science Focus

This workshop has been designed for participants interested in environmental science with little to no experience in GIS. The presentation will get you up to speed on what kind of analyses GIS may be used for, as well as the basic structures of spatial data. After the lecture you will follow an interactive exercise that has been designed to introduce you to ArcGIS Desktop software while analyzing environmental data from around Lake Tahoe.

Note that the "environmental science focus" and "social science focus" workshops are nearly identical, the only difference is in the focus of the interactive exercises.

  • Agenda:
  • Presentation
    • What is GIS?
    • Geospatial Data Considerations
    • Geoprocessing and spatial analysis
    • Data Sources
    • Using ArcGIS 10.2
  • Interactive
    • Accessing data in ArcGIS
    • Querying data by location and attributes
    • Using analysis tools
    • Creating a map for export

Intro to Geographic Information Systems (GIS):
Social Science Focus

This workshop has been designed for participants interested in social science with little to no experience in GIS. The presentation will get you up to speed on what kind of analyses GIS may be used for, as well as the basic structures of spatial data. After the lecture you will follow an interactive exercise that has been designed to introduce you to ArcGIS Desktop software while analyzing street and census data around the City of Berkeley.

Note that the "environmental science focus" and "social science focus" workshops are nearly identical, the only difference is in the focus of the interactive exercises.

  • Agenda:
  • Presentation
    • What is GIS?
    • Geospatial Data Considerations
    • Geoprocessing and spatial analysis
    • Data Sources
    • Using ArcGIS 10.2
  • Interactive
    • Accessing data in ArcGIS
    • Querying data by location and attributes
    • Using analysis tools
    • Creating a map for export

Intro to Open Source GIS:
Working with Quantum GIS (QGIS)

This workshop has been designed to introduce GIS to participants with little to no experience. Quantum GIS (QGIS), an open source geospatial desktop application, has been developing at a rapid pace, and has recently reached version 1.8. Its ease of use and accessibility (available for PC, Mac, and Linux platforms) has created a strong and active user community. In this workshop, we will explore the basic functionality of QGIS so that you may quickly learn how to load and format vector and raster data, edit shapefiles, and query attributes.

  • Agenda:
  • Presentation
    • What is GIS?
    • Geospatial Data Considerations
    • Geoprocessing and spatial analysis
    • Data Sources
    • Using QGIS 2.0
  • Interactive
    • Accessing data in QGIS
    • Querying data by location and attributes
    • Using analysis tools
    • Creating a map for export



Intro to Remote Sensing: Understanding satellite imagery

This workshop introduces the very basic principles of understanding digital imagery, both satellite and aerial. The workshop is appropriate for participants with little to no experience in remote sensing. Through a combination of lecture and interactive activities, we will explore what makes up a multi-spectral image, where to find and download them, and how to view and manipulate them using a variety of software applications.

  • Agenda:
  • Presentation
    • What is Remote Sensing?
    • Components and characteristics of digital imagery
    • Real world applications of Remote Sensing
    • Software options for viewing and analyzing imagery
  • Interactive
    • Finding and downloading imagery
    • Displaying and enhancing imagery in Erdas Imagin and ENVI
    • Techniques for image interpretation and analysis
    • Basic methods for land cover classification and change detection



Creating your own web maps

This workshop is an introduction to webGIS. It has been designed for participants with little to no GIS or web experience, and serves as a practical exercise for you to begin developing your own web maps with google maps.

  • Agenda:
  • Presentation
    • Brief introduction to webGIS
    • Choosing the right webGIS development application for you
    • Google Maps API
    • Creating web maps with Google Fusion Tables
    • Creating web maps with CartoDB
  • Interactive
    • Create a basic web map with Google Maps API
    • Customize your Google Map
    • Add your field (or other) points
    • Create a basic web map with Google Fusion Tables
    • Create a basic web map with CartoDB



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