UC Master Gardener Program of Riverside County
University of California
UC Master Gardener Program of Riverside County

Garden Views

November December 2023

In this issue: Christal Ferlisi and Linda Cummings describe Master Gardeners convening at Lake Tahoe; Debbie O’Brien shares the trainees’ propagation class at Morten Gardens; Kim Coons-Leonard relates activities at STEPCon by the Youth-School Gardens team; Jolene Hancock salutes Janis Binam; Ann Platzer illustrates the Sara Orange-Tip butterfly; Thurman Howard details the donation by the San Diego Seed Company; Master Gardener Recognition Awards; Debbie O’Brien recounts trainees’ participation in the Palm Springs Animal Shelter revitalization; Bill Floyd communicates the Helpline question and response about the bindweed mite; Janet Hartin gives recommendations for books to give; Rosa Olaiz gives news of Giving Tuesday.

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