Center for Landscape & Urban Horticulture
University of California
Center for Landscape & Urban Horticulture


Oak Trees on Golf Course
Welcome to the Center for Landscape and Urban Horticulture (CLUH), an information resource of the University of California Cooperative Extension (UC Cooperative Extension). The CLUH supports UC Cooperative Extension educational and applied research programs serving California's environmental horticulture industry. This site features science-based information on:


Please review our Mission Statement.


Low Water Landscape
For the latest science-based information on landscape water needs, please visit our pages under Landscape Water Conservation and Irrigation Management.




Cactus Garden LA Arboretum
Information is contributed by University of California Cooperative Extension scientists. All content is reviewed by these or other experts to assure it is authoritative and science-based. Featured are summaries of technical topics, fact sheets, newsletters, reports, commentary, and web links.



Calif. water use pie chart 2015
THE 9%: Landscape irrigation accounts for just 9% of water use in California, yet landscapes are under relentless attack as California confronts ongoing drought.  The facts presented here show how these attacks are misguided and that there are ways to conserve water without degrading landscape plantings.


Does the landscape you manage have a water budget or water conservation goal that seems impossible to meet? Read about Five Simple Steps for Conserving Landscape Water.



For Home Gardening information and resources, please visit the University of California Garden Web 

Raised Bed Gardening


What's new in Landscape and Urban Hort?

Your Rat Management Questions Answered!

Two rat traps secured to a tree limb using a piece of wood and tape. Photo by Niamh Quinn, UCCE.

UC IPM recently hosted a webinar on rat management presented by Dr. Niamh Quinn. During this webinar attendees were able to ask the expert their burning questions about rats and their management. Below are responses to common questions from the...

Wrapping Up the Year

Flower of yellow nutsedge. [Credit: Jack Kelly Clark]

As the end of 2024 approaches, I'd like to reflect on the UC IPM Urban and Community program's accomplishments and share what's to come from us in 2025. Some highlights: Published an updated version of the Pesticide Active Ingredient Database which...

Bugs in Your Holiday Cookies!?

Grains stored in glass jars to prevent pantry pest infestations. Photo by Karey Windbiel-Rojas, UC IPM.

In a recent TikTok video, a woman's holiday baking spree came to a halt when she discovered bugs in her flour. While initially alarmed, the woman was also intrigued. What are they? Where did they come from? How did they get into the container? There are...

Spotted Lanternfly: The Need to Remain Vigilant (Part 2)

Figure 1. Spotted lanternflies on grapevines. Photo Credit: Heather Leach, Penn State University.

Read Spotted Lanternfly: The Need to Remain Vigilant (part 1) here. The spotted lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect pest first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, with confirmed sightings and/or infestations of SLF now reported in 20 eastern...

December Pest Tips

Pest management to-dos for December.

Take the following steps to keep your plants healthy and pest-free this winter. Refer to the UC IPM Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist for more monthly pest management to-dos for your region so you can prevent pests and their damage in the garden and...

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