Master Gardeners of Ventura County
University of California
Master Gardeners of Ventura County

Home Gardening Help Desk

Got Gardening Questions?

The Master Gardener Help Desk is happy to respond to your home gardening questions via email. Contact us at and be sure to include your zip code in the message. Images are also helpful.

 If you have questions or samples from your home garden, Master Gardeners are available on-site during the last week of the month on Tuesday and Friday from 1 pm to 3 pm. We are located at the UCCE Office, 669 County Square Drive, Suite 100, Ventura 93003.


Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Master Gardener answering questions at the Avocado Festival.

We get many questions about different types of pests (animals, insects, bacteria and viruses).  For information on managing pests in homes, gardens, landscapes and turf, go to:




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