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Welcome to UCANR's California Aquatic Invasive Species site! 

Report it!

If you believe you may be the first person to see a new aquatic invasive species, OR the first to see a species in a new location, report it to the  California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

If you are a recreational diver who would like to report on the presence of the invasive seaweeds Sargassum horneri or Undaria pinnatifida you can also report these to the Multi-agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) at the University of California, Santa Cruz. 

The Story Map below features species of importance for the health of California's ecosystems. View full screen. 

Learn More

Keep up to date with invasive species science! Find our annual Invasive Species Lunchtime Talks webinar series and other UC ANR and partner sites with more AIS information at the Learn More page.