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Golden State Dairy Newsletter

Subscribe below by entering your email address.

Issue Articles Type Date Added
Volume 16, Issue 2 July 2024

In this issue:

  • Crossbred Performance
  • Passive Immunity Scoring
  • Before You Buy, Tech
PDF 7/31/24
Volume 16, Issue 1 February 2024

In this issue:

  • Byproduct Feeding
  • Dairy Plus
  • Teat Sealants
  • Farm Show Seminars
  • Updates/Announcements
  • Winter Forage Harvest
PDF 2/5/24
Special Edition (English/Spanish) - December 2023

In this issue:

Horn removal options………………….2
Opciones de descorne…………………3
Calves scour……………………………5
Diarrea en terneros……………...……7
Udder Prep Towels …………………...9
Toallas de paño para preparación…...9
Calf Pneumonia………………………10
Neumonía en terneros …………...….11

PDF 12/26/23
Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2023

In this issue:

  • Livestock Drugs
  • Farm Advisor Hires
  • Calf Feeding Tips
  • Summer Electrolytes
  • Vesicular Stomatitis
  • 2023 Annual Field Crops, Alfalfa and Forage Field Day
  • CA Dairy Industry Sustainability Metrics Survey
PDF 9/8/23
Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2023

In this issue:

  • Announcments
  • Stress & milk production
  • Crossbred feedlot data
  • SDCT study invite
  • Detecting mastitis, AMS
PDF 6/1/23
Volume 15, Issue 1, April 2023

In this issue:

  • Byproducts
  • Welcome Jackie Atim
  • AMR in lagoons
  • NMC in Visalia
PDF 4/5/23
Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2022

In this issue:

  • Dairy Seminars
  • Sludge's Worth
  • Announcements
PDF 12/9/22
Volume 14, Issue 3, August 2022

In this issue:

  • Utilizing Almond Hulls as a Concentrate Replacement
  • Dr. Ed DePeters Retires from UC Davis
  • Succession Planning: Is the Next Generation Ready to Navigate Environmental Regulations?
PDF 7/26/22
Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2022

In this issue:

  • Troubleshooting Dry Matter Results
  • Want Alternative Manure Management Information?
  • How to Calculate the Nutrients from Manure Applied to Fields
  • Dairy Manure Compost – A New Enterprise
  • Colostrum and Microbiome- Connecting the Dots
  • Lameness in Ruminants Conference 2022
PDF 5/20/22
Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2022

In this issue:

  • Applying for AMMP?
  • Sustainability Conference
  • Metritis Considerations
  • Milking Robot Survey
  • UC Conference Agenda
PDF 3/4/22
Volume 13, Issue 4, November 2021

CLICK HERE to view the November 2021 issue of the Golden State Dairy Newsletter!!!

In this issue:

  • Almond Hulls vs Almond Hull and Shell
  • Is Lameness Genetic?
  • Group Housed Calves
  • Clinical Mastitis Costs
  • Compost Bedded Pack Barns
PDF 11/1/21
AMMP Webinar - October 7th from 4-4:30p - Registration is required!

How to Use AAMP Funds to Improve Manure Handling and Reduce Methane Emissions!


• Hear from a consultant and producer who applied for and implemented innovative manure handling technologies.
• Learn how projects funded through the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP), including automated
scrapers and advanced separators, have helped dairies make the most out of manure solids.
• Watch a video of these technologies at work on North Coast and Central Valley dairies, and find out how dairies are
managing these systems.
• Participate in a live Q & A with individuals who prepared AMMP applications or who operate equipment.

*Producer registration is FREE, $10 for others
**Questions? Contact Denise Mullinax at (209) 585-6744 or mullinax@cdrf.org

AMMP Webinar - October 7th from 4-4:30p - Registration is required!

How to Use AAMP Funds to Improve Manure Handling and Reduce Methane Emissions!


• Hear from a consultant and producer who applied for and implemented innovative manure handling technologies.
• Learn how projects funded through the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP), including automated
scrapers and advanced separators, have helped dairies make the most out of manure solids.
• Watch a video of these technologies at work on North Coast and Central Valley dairies, and find out how dairies are
managing these systems.
• Participate in a live Q & A with individuals who prepared AMMP applications or who operate equipment.

Volume 13, Issue 3, August 2021

CLICK HERE to view the August 2021 issue of the Golden State Dairy Newsletter!!!

In this issue:

  • 2021 Meeting Dates
  • Drought-stress corn tips
  • Correcting silage for DM
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Nutrients in digester effluent 
PDF 8/18/21
Volume 13, Special Drought Edition, July 2021

CLICK HERE to view the Special Drought Edition July 2021 issue of the Golden State Dairy Newsletter!!!

In this issue:

  • Every Drop Counts
  • Sorghum-Deficit Irrigation
  • Corn Irrigation Strategies
  • Culling Decisions
  • Nitrate in Forages
  • Cooling Cows
PDF 7/16/21
Volume 13, Issue 2, May 2021


CLICK HERE to view the May 2021 issue of the Golden State Dairy Newsletter!!!

In this issue:

  • Almond hull nutrition
  • Passive immunity guidelines
  • Manure vacuums
  • Mycoplasma prevalence 
PDF 5/18/21
Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2021

March_2021_final-Dairy - Banner

CLICK HERE to view the March 2021 issue of the Golden State Dairy Newsletter!!!

In this issue:

  • Selective dry cow therapy
  • Cow bunching & flies
  • GE food animal update 
  • Scouring calves
  • New agronomy advisor
PDF 3/1/21
Volume 12, Issue 4, November 2020

In this issue:

  • Calf Pneumonia
  • CA Dairy Digesters
  • BRD Tool
  • Separator Management
  • Nutritionist Survey
PDF 11/23/20
Volume 12, Issue 3, August 2020

In this issue:

  • Silage Reminder
  • Alfalfa & Forage Field Day
  • Calf Management Practices
  • AMMP New Practices
  • Bulls vs AI
PDF 9/1/20
Volume 12, Issue 2, May 2020

In this issue...

  • Golden State Dairy Management Conference Presentations Now Online
  • By-Product Management
  • Early Lactation Milking
  • AMMP Funds 
  • Research Opportunity
  • CA Breeding Strategies 
PDF 5/18/20
COVID-19 Notification

Dear Stanislaus County community:

As you all know, national, state, and local agencies have been implementing various measures to reduce the rate and risk of community spread of COVID-19.  We wanted to update you on protective measures being taken by UC ANR, including this office.  All UC Agriculture and Natural Resources county offices, research and extension centers and statewide programs are implementing telecommute protocols.  As of Friday, March 20, all UC ANR employees have been working remotely. This includes our Farm Advisors who work closely with growers and other agriculture clientele, UC Master Gardeners, the Nutrition, Food and Consumer Science program, and 4-H.

Being mindful of official guidance concerning social distancing, many Cooperative Extension functions, events, activities, meetings, etc. have been cancelled through the end of April. This directive also includes all volunteer-led youth or adult programming, meetings, or gatherings.

During this telecommute status, we want to emphasize that we are still working and available to assist. Call our number at 525-6800 and we will direct you to the appropriate person.  Critical research projects are being maintained and program delivery is taking place online. There is no impact on your ability to connect with us by email or phone. 

We will be monitoring COVID-19 developments closely and will continue to communicate any changes to our operations.  If you have any questions or issues regarding potentially impacted meetings, events, research, programs, etc., please check our website at cestanislaus.ucanr.edu or drop us an email. We are here and available to assist you during this uncertain period.

PDF 3/24/20
Golden State Dairy Management Conference Sweet Heart Deal Ending Soon!

Good afternoon:

There is still time to get the Sweet Heart Deal ($50 per person) for the Golden State Dairy Management Conference. To register for the Golden State Dairy Management Conference, please follow this link: http://ucanr.edu/gsdmregister

To view the agenda, please follow this link: http://ucanr.edu/gsdmagenda


After tomorrow (2/28/2020), the price of the conference registration price will be $75. 


We hope to see you there!

PDF 2/27/20
Golden State Dairy Management Conference

March 4, 2020
UCCE Stanislaus County Ag Center    

Harvest Hall
3800 Cornucopia Way
Modesto, California

California research to address California dairy needs.
Our speaker line-up includes University of California Farm Advisors, Specialists, and Dairy Faculty on topics relevant to California dairying. 

California topics for California dairies.

Who Should Attend:
Dairy producers, employees, nutritionists, veterinarians, companies and other members of allied industry who are interested in topics related to dairy production in California.

Continuing Education:
American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists: CEUs requested.
California Certified Crop Advisor: CEUs requested. 


PDF 2/20/20
Volume 12, Issue 1 February 2020

In this issue:

  • Meeting Announcements
  • Cloth Towel Hygeine 
  • Mental Health
  • Animal Science at UCD
  • CDFA Funds Available
  • UC Dairy Conference
PDF 2/5/20
Volume 11, Issue 4, November 2019
  • CA Dairy Demographics
  • AAMP Information
  • Pasteurized Waste Milk
  • Common CA By-Products
PDF 11/25/19
Volume 11, Issue 3, August 2019
  • Dry Cow Cooling Methods

  • New Soils Advisor

  • Alfalfa & Forage Field Day

  • Meeting Strategies

  • Compost Bedded Pack Barn

  • UC Davis New Milk Parlor

  • By-Product Survey

  • Beef Semen Profitability

PDF 8/30/19
Volume 11, Issue 2, May 2019
  • CVDRMP Recommendations
  • NIR or Wet Chemistry?
  • By-Product Survey
  • Welcome Tim Hackmann
  • Waste Milk Quality
  • Antimicrobial Survey
  • Horn Removal Options
PDF 5/14/19
Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2019

In this Issue…

  • Almond Hull Usage
  • Western Dairy Management Conference
  • Research Opportunity
  • Semen Value Tool
  • Bacteria & Milk Shelf Life
PDF 2/14/19
Volume 10, Issue 4 December 2018 PDF 1/10/19
Volume 10, Issue 3 September 2018

In this Issue…

  • Heat Stress Impact on Cows
  • Forage Nutrient Yields
  • Sorghum Characteristics
  • New Soils Advisor
  • Reducing Methane Emissions
  • Survey on Antibiotic Use
PDF 9/10/18
Volume 10, Issue 2 May 2018

In this Issue…

  • Next Generation of Carbon Management
  • Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance in Waste Milk
  • Heifer Operation Regulation
  • Gene Editing for Polled Trait into Elite Germplasm
  • Dairy Needs Assessment Results
PDF 5/21/18
Volume 10, Issue 1 February 2018

In this Issue…

  • De-Pooling of Milk                                                
  • Colostrum IgG                                                   
  • Manure Pipes and Struvite  
  • Calf Respiratory Disease    
  • Repro. Performance           
  • Golden State Dairy Management Conference     



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Golden State Dairy Management Conference Brochure

In this issue...

  • Brochure and Agenda for the Golden State Dairy Management Conference.
PDF 2/2/18
November 2017

In this issue...

  • Manure Management Money Available
  • Award of Distinction
  • Golden State Dairy Management Conference
  • Welcome R. Black
  • California Antibiotic Use
  • Testing Cooling Strategies
PDF 11/3/17
July Newsletter

In this issue...

  • Forage Particle Length
  • Disbudding Calves
  • Managing Lagoons
  • Fresno/Madera Position Opening
PDF 8/7/17
April 2017

In this issue...

  • Needs assessment survey
  • Report of Salmonella in California cull cows
  • 2016 sorghum quality and survey results
  • Heat abatement strategies: tips and reminders
  • Understanding your annual report numbers
  • Spring sampling reminders
PDF 4/26/17
Sorghum Silage Meeting

In this issue...

Two informative meetings coming up:

March 7, 2017 - Madera, CA & March 9, Tulare, CA

PDF 2/10/17
January 2017

In this issue...

  • Timed-AI Programs
  • TMR audits 
  • Sorghum field research
  • Sugar-cane aphid
  • BRD app
  • Winter storms
  • Meeting announcements
PDF 1/30/17
October 2016

In this issue...

  • Methane in the news
  • Welcome JP Martins
  • Silage structure options
  • Fresh pen milk yield
  • Research Roundup:
      * Sorghum
      * Greenhouse Gasses
PDF 11/18/16
August 2016

In this issue...

  • Dairy Biosecurity
  • Maximize Manure Nitrogen Value
  • Metritis Diagnosis Considerations
  • Announcements: Project Cooperators Needed & Position Opening
PDF 8/12/16
April 2016

In this issue...

  • California Dairy Conference
  • Silage Underlay, Part II
  • Sorghum Silage Project
  • In-crop Corn Management
  • IV Calcium & Subclinical Hypocalcemia
  • Raising Healthy Calves
  • C & N Management
PDF 4/25/16
January 2016

In this issue...

  • Gene Editing
  • Silage Underlay
  • Winter Reminders
  • Water Board Violations
  • Golden State Dairy Conference
PDF 1/20/16
2016 Golden State Management Conference

In this issue...

  • 2016 Golden State Management Conference
PDF 1/6/16
Special Edition December 2015

In this issue...

  • Avoiding Drug Residues
  • Lameness -- Are Your Cows Stepping on Sharp Objects?
  • The Importance of Dry Matter: Tips for Feeders and Dairy Producers
PDF 12/11/15
October 2015

In this issue...

  • Preparing for El Nino
  • Managing Mud
  • Sharp Objects and Lame Cows
  • Pneumonia in Calves
  • CAHFS and Animal Disease
  • C Collar Retirement
  • Dairy Advisor Position Recruitments


PDF 10/16/15
July 2015

In this Issue…

Antibiotics on Dairies

Corn Silage Processing Scores of CA Silage

CDQAP Certification & Fee Reduction

Sorghum Tips

N. Peterson Retirement

PDF 8/11/15
UCCE Silage Day


UCCE Silage Day

July 21, 2015

Harvest Hall, Stanislaus County Ag Center

3800 Cornucopia Way, Modesto, CA

PDF 6/19/15
April 2015
  • Monitoring DCAD
  • What is Dry Matter
  • Salmonella
  • Dairy Challenge in CA
  • Environmental Compliance Reminders
  • Announcements
PDF 4/15/15
January 2015
  • What is IVF?
  • Winter "To Do" List for Compliance
  • Western Dairy Management Conference, March 3-5, 2015
  • Meeting - Managing Cow Comfort in Hot Weather
    January 29, 2015, Tulare, CA
  • Meeting - California Dairy Management Seminars
    February 24, 2015 - Orland, CA
    February 25, 2015 - Modesto, CA
    February 26, 2015 - Tulare, CA
PDF 1/26/15
November 2014
  • Necropsy's Value
  • Pesticide Database
  • Managing Salts
  • BRD Management
  • Choosing a Lab
  • Announcements
  • Remembering Tom Schultz
PDF 11/5/14
July 2014
  • Correcting Silage DM
  • Silage DM Requirements
  • Managing Nutrients w/Drought
  • A. Castillo Retirement
  • What is Energy?
  • Soakers & Cow Cooling
  • Milk Pregnancy Test
PDF 7/30/14
UCCE Silage Day, Tuesday, July 8, 2014 PDF 6/16/14
April 2014
  • Drought assistance
  • 100 years of UCCE
  • Managing nutrients without water
  • Sorghum for drought?
  • Avoiding antibiotic residues
  • Uterine infections
  • Aid for farmers with blackbirds
PDF 5/13/14
January 2014
  • Preventing Milk Fever
  • Promote Your Product
  • Voluntary Waiting Period
  • In Memoriam: Don Bath

Upcoming Meetings:

Heat Stress
April 4, Tulare, CA

Hoof Health Management Workshop
March 4, Tulare, CA
March 6, Merced, CA


PDF 1/16/14
November 2013
  • Changes to the WDR General Order
  • Meet the New Advisor
  • Silage Face Management
  • Calf Diarrhea Part 2
  • Dairy & Sustainablility
  • Upcoming Meetings
PDF 11/7/13
August 2013
  • Harvest Reminder, Kernel Processing

  • New AVMA Euthanasia Guidelines

  • Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, General Order Reminders

  • Employee Heat Safety Reminders

  • Neonatal Calf Diarrhea

  • Sugar Beets as a Potential Starch Substitute

  • Dairy Surveys Underway

PDF 8/28/13
Silage Day 2013 PDF 7/9/13
April 2013
  • Regulatory Reminders 

  • Forage NSC & NFC

  • Marvelous Improvement Device

  • Mineral Excretions

  • Silage Survey

  • Managing for Quality

PDF 4/17/13
March 2013
  • Labor Turnover
  • Feeding Calves
  • Forage NDF Digestibility
  • Position Announcement: Tulare & Kern Advisor
PDF 3/6/13
DairyNews Spanish Edition

This is the annual Spanish Edition of the California Dairy Newsletter.  We've taken select articles from previous issues and translated them into Spanish in hopes that you will share the newsletter with your Spanish-speaking employees.  Articles are included in both English and Spanish. 

  • Time for a freestall check?
  • Antiobiotic residues in dairies.
  • Managing for more milk.
  • Identifying sick cows that need to be examined.
PDF 1/25/13
November 2012

This is a correction to the previously e-mailed Dairy Newsletter.  The link has been repaired and the newsletter is now accessible.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

In this issue:

  • Pistachio Shell Impaction
  • Jejunal (Intestinal) Hematoma in Cattle
  • Back to Basics: The ABC’s of Forage Analysis
  • Western Dairy Management Conference
  • World Ag Expo Calls for Forage Challenge Entries
  • California Dairy Management Seminars
    - In English & Spanish-
    - Dec. 6th - Tulare 
    - Dec. 11th - Modesto 
    - Dec. 13th - Orland
PDF 11/16/12
August Dairy News

* Dairies in the news
* Corn silage management
* Freestall check
* Calf diarrhea
* Rabies in ruminants
* By-product use
* Retirements & awards
* Announcements
* Silage Day


PDF 8/15/12
UCCE Silage Day


**This is a correction to the previous email.  Silage samples will be analyzed for DM only.**

Silage Day will be held at the Stanislaus County Ag Center, Harvest Hall in Modesto, CA on Thursday, August 23, 2012.

Lots of helpful information regarding quality, value, production & animal health.

Bring in your silage samples for a FREE DM analysis using NIR technology!


PDF 8/2/12
May 2012

* Motivating employees
* Corn silage management
* Polio in cattle
* Schmallenberg Virus
* Cooling dry cows
* Dairy closures

PDF 5/11/12
Dairy Management Seminar - Registration Date Extended

Registration extended for the Modesto Location!  Please register by Tuesday, March 20th to guarantee handouts and lunch.  Please click on the link below for details:

PDF 3/12/12
February 2012

In this issue:

* Mycotoxins

* TMR Mixing

* Calf Pneumonia

* Technology & Cows

* Announcements

PDF 2/27/12
Dairy News Spanish Edition, December, 2011

The purpose of the Spanish edition is to take select articles from past issues and translate them into Spanish. We hope that you will share the information with your Spanish-speaking employees.

PDF 12/16/11
November 2011

In this issue:

*Forage Dry Matter
*Milk Quality
*Research Update

PDF 11/8/11
September 2011 PDF 9/9/11
June 2011 PDF 7/12/11
February 2011 *To Our Readers *Silage Face Management *Milk Quality *WDR Reminders *Protected Amino Acids *Nutrient Efficiency PDF 2/19/08
2010 Spanish News Highlights of this year's Dairy News written in Spanish to help inform and update the Spanish speaking worker. PDF 12/23/10
November 2010 • The EU Challenge – 1 • Milking Procedure – 3 • Milk sampling – 4 • Irrigation – 5 • Update SJVAPCD – 7 • WDR Reminders – 8 • Announcements – 9 PDF 11/19/10
August 2010 *Heat Stress in Cattle *Timing Corn Harvest *Sampling Corn at Harvest *Milk Quality *Meet Dr. Rossow *Fly Management *WDR Reminders *Reproductive Short Course PDF 8/6/10
May 2010 *Carbon Footprints *Feeding for Animal Requirements *Training Videos *Milk Urea Nitrogen *When the Media Calls *Incinerators in CA? *Increasing Efficiency PDF 5/17/10
Dairy Business Education Forum Hedging and Risk Management in the Dairy Industry PDF 2/22/10
January 2010 •Dairy Wage Survey •Overfeeding Nutrients •Retained Placenta •Water Use by Cows •Crop Irrigation •Animal Welfare •Forage Seminar •Herdsman Course •Dairy Business Education Meeting •North Valley Dairy Day PDF 1/27/10
December 2009-Spanish Edition Highlights of 2009 in Spanish PDF 12/8/09
November 2009 * Language of Carbon Footprints * Employee Giftedness * Residue Violations * Johne's Disease * Tail Docking Update * UC Davis News * Nutrient Management * CDQAP Updates * Mycotoxins * Announcements PDF 11/3/09
July 2009 California Dairy Newsletter *Dairy Production Today *High LPC's? *Purchasing Forage? *Mineral Content in Feedstuffs *Know the Signs of Depression *Increase Cow Comfort *Concealing Animal Mortalities *Feeding Calves *Managing Irrigations *Reproductive Short Course *WDR Sampling PDF 7/16/09
May 2009 •Heat Stress Feeding Pg. 1 •Toxic Weeds Pg. 2 •Milk + Milk Replacer Powder? Pg. 2 •Culling Considerations Pg. 3 •Tail Docking Survey Pg. 3 •Tail Docking Practices Pg. 4 •UC Davis Teaching Prize Pg. 4 •Bulk Tank Milk Quality Pg. 5 •Educating Consumers Pg. 6 •Systems Management Pg. 6 •Feeding Gin Trash? Pg. 7 •Dairy Facility Options Pg. 8 PDF 5/11/09
January 2009 *Proposition 2 and Dairies *Ruminant Feed Ban *Feed Conversion Efficiency *WDR Deliverables, July 2009 *Tricolored Blackbirds *New Faculty at UC Davis *Pasteruized colostrum *Dairy Beef Quality Assurance *Top Notch Dairy Practices *Nutrient Tracking on Your Fields *Dairy Herdsman Shortcourse *Regional Water Quality Control Board Inspections PDF 1/23/09
August 2008 *Can You Afford to Feed Your Heifers? *Euthanasia Techniques Workshop *WDR News from California Dairy Quality Assurance Program *FDA Prohibits Extra-Label Use of Cephalosporins *Rice Straw in Free Choice Dairy Heifer Rations *Dairy Food Safety Laboratory – Bovine Mastitis Screening PDF 8/18/08
Meeting Notice Dairy Cattle Welfare Workshop, July 09, 2008 PDF 2/11/10
April, 2008 Introducing the new UCCE Dairy Advisor, Jennifer Heguy DOC 4/2/10
Commercial Goat Producers Workshop Workshop to be held at the Merced County Agricultural Center 2145 W. Wardrobe Ave., Merced, CA May 14-15 Pre-registration required DOC 5/5/08