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Drought Tolerant

Shrub- Eriogonum giganteum

  • Eriogonum giganteum shrub
    Common Name: Saint Catherine's Lace

    Botanical Name: Eriogonum giganteum

    Family: Polygonaceae (Knotweeds)

    Description:  This evergreen shrub, a species of wild buckwheat, is native to the Channel Islands, bluffs, canyons, low elevations; grows well in hot dry regions

    Sun: Full sun



    Water: Twice per month

    Soil: Adaptable, prefers well-draining

    Habit and form: Large, grows to 4 feet tall with gray foliage, mounding growth

    Flower type: Lacy inflorescence

    Eriogonum giganteum flowers
    Flower color & bloom season: White flowers fading to a rusty red; blooms May to December
    Eriogonum giganteum flowers rusty









    Uses, if any, for plant and/or flowers: Flowers, leaves and seeds all important for butterflies and birds

    Eriogonum giganteum foliage
    Pruning time & method: Lightly prune branch tips; do not cut old wood.
    Maintenance tips:  Selectively cut out old wood