Goldspotted Oak Borer


What is the Goldspotted Oak Borer?

Adult GSOB
GSOB-killed oak in San Diego County

Goldspotted Oak Borer (GSOBAgrilus auroguttatus is an invasive pest contributing to the on-going oak tree mortality occurring on federal, state, private, and local Native American lands in many areas of San Diego County. Isolated areas of infestation have been confirmed in Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties in Southern California. GSOB was detected in more than one area in and near Santa Clarita in Los Angeles County in 2024. Widespread oak mortality can have severe implications to the environment and human safety. Due to the current and potential impacts to California oaks and communities, public and private organizations are working together in the research, education and outreach efforts related to GSOB management.

If you suspect a Goldspotted Oak Borer infestation in your area, report it here.

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Goldspotted Oak Borer
Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet 183 (August 2017)
by USDA Forest Service
(Download PDF)


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Photo Source: Tom Coleman, U.S. Forest Service Entomologist and Lorin Lima, UC Cooperative Extension

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GSOB inventory form for surveying in your area (PDF)

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