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Become a Master Gardener!

UC Science Based Training

The application process for the UC Master Gardeners of Merced County's  2026 Training Class will open in fall 2025.  

What is a Master Gardener?

UC Master Gardeners are trained representatives of the University of California Cooperative Extension.  We provide research-based information, advice and education to the home gardener and general public. 

Who can be a Master Gardener?

Any Merced County adult resident with an interest in horticulture (plants, lawns, trees, vegetables and more) and public service are encouraged to apply for the Master Gardener Program. 

Other requirements include time to complete the training and, upon certification, time to volunteer your knowledge with the community.  A passion for gardening, curiosity, good communication skills to a diverse group of people and a desire for continued education also are valued traits of a Master Gardener.

What is the training program? 

In 2026, the in-person training classes will start in early January and meet on most Saturdays through April. While in training, students are assigned a Master Gardener mentor who will support and assist students throughout the program. 

Instructors are University of California Cooperative Extension Farm Advisers, horticultural specialists and community experts.  The curriculum provides a practical course in plant science and horticulture.  Topics include an introduction to horticulture; soil and plant nutrition; water and fertilizer management; pest identification and control; management of home orchards and landscape trees; home vegetable gardening; plant diseases and diagnosis; composting; weed identification and management,  and much more. The class includes lots of hands-on opportunities as well as field trips.  Completion of the coursework, an oral presentation and a passing grade on the open book final exam earns the student certification as a Master Gardener.

Is there a fee for the training?

Yes, there is a fee to cover training and resource materials.  The amount is determined once expenses for the upcoming program have been determined. The 2024 class fee will be approximately $200.  The fee covers all books, supplies, equipment and field trips. Some scholarships may be available.

What is the commitment to the program once certification is received?

New Master Gardeners are required to contribute 50 hours of community volunteer work during the twelve months following certification.  In subsequent years the Master Gardener is required to contribute at least 25 volunteer hours each year to stay active.   Most volunteer hours are completed in projects with other Master Gardeners.  In addition, each Master Gardener must obtain at least 12 hours of continuing education each year.  Continuing education programs are frequently made available to the Master Gardener after the monthly membership meeting, at Master Gardener conferences or special events.

What type of volunteer work is available?

Merced County has a number of programs in which our Master Gardener volunteers participate. They include staffing a phone information Helpline; information booths at the fair and farmers’ markets; outreach programs to schools; public outreach through workshops, talks, demonstrations; and other horticultural and gardening projects.  

A little more about us…

The Master Gardener concept originated in 1972 in Washington State.  With a growing interest in home gardening and an increase in the volume of research-based information available, a group of university extension advisors sought a better way to disseminate information to the public.  Thus, the Master Gardener Program was born. Introduced in California in 1979, with pilot programs in Riverside and Sacramento counties, there are now over 40 active Master Gardener programs in California.  Merced has participated since 2009 and celebrated our 10-year anniversary in 2019! 

Merced Master Gardeners are advised and supported by Scott Stoddard, County Director/Farm Advisor Merced County; Maxwell Norton, Farm Advisor Emeritus and Merced Master Gardener Coordinator;  Tom Dinwoodie, Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator for Merced County; and Judy MacLaren, Master Gardener President.

If this sounds like a good time…

We encourage you to apply and look forward to welcoming you to our Master Gardener Program.

Information Sessions: 

TBA.  Sessions will be held at the UCCE -Merced County Classroom, 2145 Wardrobe Ave, Merced.

If you are considering applying for the 2026 program, we encourage you to attend one of our information sessions in the fall of 2025. Please join our newsletter subscriber list to receive information about dates, when they are determined. 

Training classes held at:  UCCE Merced County Office Classroom, 2145 Wardrobe Ave, Merced

Questions?  Email us: ucanrmgmerced@gmail.com