University of California

Request for Proposals

California's program for RREA funding over the past years has been administered through competitive mini-grant awards. The awards facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation and expand the capacity of natural resource Extension educators to deliver current and relevant research-based programs to address the multiple management issues facing California's diverse natural resources.

California RREA awards help forest and rangeland owners and managers, policymakers, communities, and the general public make informed decisions regarding the sustainability of natural lands and resources that are of critical importance to the ecological, social, and economic well-being of California. Logic Model: California RREA programs logic model focuses on the aspects of the national RREA strategic plan most relevant to the state and also makes the connection between RREA projects intended outcome and UC ANR's Condition Changes and Public value statements.

Download the UC ANR RREA Program Logic Model for guidance in the development of proposals and completing final project reports.



Webmaster Email: arayray@ucanr.edu