Sensitive Sites
A sensitive site is identified as a location where at-risk people such as the elderly, physically challenged, small children, residents with a documented allergy to bee stings or animals that are confined or with limited mobility inhabit or frequent.
There are areas that are automatically designated as sensitive sites. These include: schools, playgrounds, picnic areas, outdoor sports facilities, day care centers, senior care facilities, medical facilities, kennels, and horse-boarding facilities.
To Opt-in:
Other areas may apply to opt-in as a sensitive site. Those areas include persons with medical reasons, or businesses where bees could cause a nuisance during work activities. To be designated as a sensitive site, a person must fill out a sensitive site application and submit it to the County of San Diego, Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures. Brochure: Sensitive Sites for Apiaries: What are they?
Download Sensitive Site Opt-In Application
For beekeepers:
The setback distance for hives from a sensitive site depends on the number of hives at that location. As a beekeeper, be aware that at any time a sensitive site could be designated in your area. You will be notified in writing and be required to move your hive(s) to the required setback distance.
Tier A: 150 ft or further
Tier B: (3-10 hives) 150 ft or further
Tier B: (11-20 hives) 300 ft or further
Tier C: 450 ft or further