ANR Statewide Conference 2013
ANR Statewide Conference 2013
ANR Statewide Conference 2013
University of California
ANR Statewide Conference 2013

5A Academic Conversations

Continuing the Statewide  Dialogue Sessions Associated with the Partnership to Advance Cooperative Extension (PACE)

Facilitated by Kim Rodrigues

PACE Dialogue Sessions were held around the state over the last few months.The charge to the PACE committee was to seek broad input from UC ANR academics related to roles and responsibilities of AES faculty, CE specialists and advisors to support the UC ANR Mission and Vision.

Responses to all of these questions and related trend data will be summarized and further explored at the ANR SW conference.  Please join us as we seek understanding and agreement to strengthen the networks between our AES faculty, CE specialists, advisors and academic coordinators within UC ANR.

Statewide input indicates that CE specialists and Academic advisors generally view each other as colleagues, rather than clientele.  The operational definition of clientele may need to be clarified in order to better understand how this aspect of the role definition might be strengthened in the future.  This and other related trends based on the dialogue sessions and the survey will be further explored in this session.

Responses to all of these questions and related trend data will be summarized and further explored at the ANR SW conference.  Please join us!

Roles and Relationships

  • What are the ideal roles and characteristics for the different academic positions?
  • What is the ideal relationship between AES faculty and advisors and specialists?
  • Are advisors becoming more like specialists with regard to program content, statewide leadership and expertise, and what are the implications of this to ANR?


  • What are your expectations for collaboration?, How do we reward and improve collaboration?
  • How do things such as competitive grants, the merit and promotion process, and ANR Strategic Initiatives affect collaboration?

Program Planning

  • What works well to create opportunities for synergy? How could the existing mechanisms (Strategic Initiatives, Program Teams, and/or Workgroups be improved? Any other ideas?
  • How does/should ANR connect its planning process to the campuses?

What are the strengths and weakness of locating specialists outside of departments?

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