Community Nutrition and Health - Tulare County


UC Cooperative Extension Nutrition Programs

California SNAP-Ed Mission

To inspire and empower under-served Californians to improve their health by promoting awareness, education, and community change through diverse partnerships, resulting i healthy eating and active living.

Who We Are and What We Do!

Educate - Increase nutrition and physical activity knowledge, skills, and practice

-Effective, evidence-based nutrition education for youth, adults, seniors and families 
-Offering a comprehensive, preventative approach to health 
-Classes offered primarily in Spanish and English, with Chinese and Hmong classes offered in select locations

Partner – Encourage state and local partnerships in support of shared goals

-Strategically aligned partnerships help strengthen the food system for low-resource communities
-We partner with government and non-governmental agencies, local stakeholders, and community leaders to create further impact and generate sustainable results

 Build Capacity - Advance local priorities through training and technical assistance

-Curricula training for “extenders” (teachers, after school staff, community members)
-Leadership development for youth
-Fostering a network of local health advocates

 Transform – Act as a catalyst for a healthy lifestyle change

-Working with communities to seek healthy lifestyle solutions that are sustainable, transformative, inclusive and grassroots driven

Learn More:

FFY23 Tulare_Kings County Profile_FINAL
For More Resources And Ways To Contact Us

Cal Fresh Healthy Living, University of California

Cal Fresh Healthy Living, UCCE Tulare County Staff

UC Delivers Collection

  • UC Delivers is a collection of examples showing how ANR is making a difference for Californians!
  • Conditions are always changing, and the ability to adapt to change is a key to success for people, families, and communities. For more on the UC Cooperative Extension's impact visit UC Delivers.

nutrition logo

Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips.

Financiado por SNAP del USDA, un proveedor y empleador que ofrece oportunidades equitativas. Visite para obtener consejos saludables.


Full FNS Non-Discrimination Statement

Full FNS Non-Discrimination Statement (Spanish)

Resources Available

Maternal and Infants Nutrition Briefs

Nutrition Perspectives

Nutrition Resources

Nutrition Fact Sheets

Money Management

Newsletter for Professionals:  Nutrition Perspectives


These markets accept CalFresh, WIC, and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program coupons AND participate in Market Match!

Saturday Main Market:

Saturdays Year-round

8:00 am - 11:30 am

2231 W Main St 

Visalia, CA



Contribute for a Better Future