New Hardwoods Information on Website

Jun 13, 2011

We have added to the hardwood utilization section on the Woody Biomass Utilization website.  The new information is from previous projects undertaken at the University of California Forest Products Laboratory.

California has a huge hardwood resource that is mostly underutilized.  For example, in the redwood growing regions tanoak is regarded as a "weed" despite the fact that it can be cut into beautiful and versatile lumber products.

For an introduction to the issues check out the California Hardwoods: A hidden Resource video.  This was professionally produced back in 1995 but the issues are still relevant today.  The main hardwoods page contains copies of reports and presentations that you can download.  For more in depth information the Hardwoods Handbook is available.  You can download individual chapters of interest.  We have also streamlined the information on the utilization of wood from trees killed by sudden oak death.

By Gareth J Mayhead
Author - Academic Coordinator - Forest Products

Attached Images:

Tanoak logs

Tanoak logs

Red gum eucalyptus

Red gum eucalyptus

Milling tanoak with a Lucas Mill

Milling tanoak with a Lucas Mill