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Wild Pig Damage in Agricultural Lands in California Survey





We estimate that this survey will take 15 minutes of your time to complete. Your responses will tell us more about Wild Pigs in California and will be used to gain insights into attitudes regarding wild pigs and the geographic distribution of their damage. Wild pigs often have other names, including wild hog, feral pig, feral hog, wild boar, Russian boar, and Eurasian boar. All these names refer to the SAME animal. In this survey, we refer to these animals as Wild Pigs.

Wild Pigs are distributed across the United States, including in California. Although landowners and others in California may encounter Wild Pigs, we know little about the extent and type of damage they cause in our state, as well as the attitudes about their presence. Therefore, your help is critical to increase our understanding of how Wild Pigs affect landowners. The answers you provide will also help us develop more effective programs to deal with Wild Pigs.

Landowners with more than one property, please fill out one survey for each property. We will share our results with state and local officials to make them aware of the concerns people have about Wild Pigs. Individual responses will be kept strictly confidential. This survey is being conducted by researchers at the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE). For any questions about the survey please contact John Harper of Mendocino and Lake counties extension office at 890 N. Bush Street in Ukiah, telephone number (707) 463-4495, email:

Whether you have wild pigs on your property or not, your answers are important to us.

Section 1: Basic Personal Information

(Participant identity and ranch-specific information will be kept strictly confidential and never released.)

For each type or class of animals, please select the number of animals you stock:

1-45 animals 46-100 animals 101-150 animals 151-200 animals 201-300 animals 301-400 animals Over 401 animals
Beef Cattle: Cow-calf
Beef Cattle: Stockers
Meat Goats
Dairy Goats
Angora or Mohair Goats
Dairy Cattle
Guard Dogs
Domestic Pigs

Section 2: Views About Wild Pig Damage

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements by choosing one option for each row that matches your view about wild pigs and wild pig damage. Please answer these questions whether or not you have wild pigs on your property. Please rank from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree".

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I enjoy seeing wild pigs around my property.
I worry about problems wild pigs might cause to my property.
Wild pigs are an important part of the environment.
Wild pigs threaten the safety of people.
Wild pigs are common where I live.
People should learn to live with wild pigs near their homes or farms.
CA's classification of wild pigs as a big game species negatively impacts my property.
Wild pigs are a nuisance.
Wild pigs are a source of disease.
Wild pigs should be eliminated wherever possible.
Wild pigs detract from deer hunting opportunities.
Wild pigs have a negative impact on our local deer population.
Wild pigs are a welcome addition to the number of big game species I can hunt.
It should be a felony to transport and release wild pigs in California
The laws for hunting wild pigs on private land in California are adequate.
Wild pigs damage the environment.
Wild pigs are harmful to native plants and wildlife in California.
Wild pig damage facilitates invasive plant establishment.
Recreational hunting controls wild pig damage locally.
Current methods are effective at controlling wild pig damage.
I would like to learn more about wild pig biology and wild pig control methods.
The availability of cost-share funds would increase my willingness to engage in management actions to reduce wild pig damage (e.g., targeted trapping, shooting, and exclusion efforts)
Improving wild pig management is important to me

Section 3: Pig Damage Section


The following questions are important in helping us understand the type and extent of wild pig damage in California. Wild pig damage can include damage to property, rooting, wallowing, etc. Please answer every question as completely as possible.



Section 4: Smart Phone App Section

We've created a smart phone app that will allow us, with your help, to estimate wild pig acreage damage and track it over time. The following questions are to gauge interest in participation.