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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - Watsonville Sunday May 27th 2018


Are Pest Problems Bugging You? Learn a less toxic strategy for long-term prevention of pests and their damage with methods that keep health and environmental risks as low as possible.

This class not just about insect pests, apply the IPM process to weeds, vertabrate pests, plant diseases, and more. Join UC Master Gardeners Delise Weir and Trink Praxel for this FREE workshop that will cover the basics of pest identification, how to determine if your pest is likely to become a problem, the seven steps of of integrated pest management, and management strategies. Also included will be online handouts and resources for further information.

Your contact information is used to distribute a link to a follow-up survey and relevant program information. The short survey provides us the tools we need to grow and improve the quality of our program. We do not sell or share your contact info with anyone else. If you do not wish to receive the survey please email us at Thank you.