Dr. Amy Joy

UC Davis, CE Specialist, AND UC Berkeley, Professor Emerita, AND UCB Professor of the Academy
CAES Dean's Office
150 Mrak Hall
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
abjoy@ucdavis.edu Create VCard


Dr. Amy Block Joy retired from the University of California in 2013 after 33 years at UC Berkeley, the Office of the President, and UC Davis. After retirement, she returned to UC Berkeley as a Professor Emerita where she is actively teaching undergraduates:   

*Eating Green: The science behind the grassroots food movement 

*Ethics, Morality and "Breaking Bad"

In 2006, she discovered criminal activity in her program grant funds and blew the whistle.  She is the author of Whistleblower (Bay Tree Publishing, 2010).  The second edition was published in 2018.

In 2013 after retirement, she began working at UC Berkeley.  First, as the UC Berkeley Emeriti Association Treasurer (2014-2017) and then in 2017 she was elected UCBEA Vice-President.  She was elected in 2019 as the UCBEA President and served as President until June 30, 2020.

She has published 3 books (Whistleblower; Retaliation; and Blowback) on the ethics of reporting wrongdoing. These books were written to help guide others who discover wrongdoing on the dangers and consequences associated with becoming a whistleblower.

She is a member of the Authors Guild and an Associate Editor or California Agriculture. 


Ph.D. Nutritional Sciences, University of California, Berkeley. 1979
B.S. Biochemistry/Bacteriology, University of California, Berkeley. 1974


  • 2017 Maryland Fraud Conference Presenter
    Presented by Association of Certified Fraud Examiners,  2017


Nutrition, health disparities of diverse populations, nutritional ecology, and ethics

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Joy, Amy Block; Hudds, Mark (2010). "High risk for depression among low-income women raises awareness about treatment options." California Agriculture 64(1): 22-25.
  • Joy, Amy Block (2006). Cost-benefit analysis conducted for nutrition education in California. California Agriculture. University of California. 60:4, 185-191. October.

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