Update Your Profile

How to Update Your Profile

Please take a few minutes to establish or update your profile so colleagues can better find and collaborate with you. This information is also used for UC ANR’s Programmatic Footprint Maps and the transition to the Integrated Web Platform.


1. Conduct a search for yourself by name in the UC ANR Directory: https://ucanr.edu/About/DirectorySearch/. If you do not find yourself, please notify Chris Hanson Christopher.Hanson@ucop.edu or (510) 987-0628.  If you *do* find yourself, proceed to step 2.


2. Visit the "Edit Profile" page in the upper left side of the UC ANR Portal.  You will be required to log in if you are not already: https://ucanr.edu/portal/modules/dirpersonal.cfm. If you don’t have or use the UC ANR Portal contact Chris Hanson Christopher.Hanson@ucop.edu or (510) 987-0628.


3. Enter/Update all fields by clicking under Public Profile Information on the left. Press the "Save and Continue" button when finished. In particular, UC ANR is asking that everyone update the following fields:

  1. Title – Check your Title, it should be descriptive [e.g., Food System Advisor, Cropping Systems Specialist, Professor of Watershed Hydrology, Professor of Physiological Ecology]. Note: UC ANR is moving away from the generic “Farm Advisor” title.
  2. Discipline – (NEW in 2021) Select your primary academic Discipline from the drop-down
  3. Specialty – Review and update, if needed, your brief description of your Specialty (e.g. organic/regenerative agriculture, small farms, wildfire, etc.)
  4. Custom URL – If you have your own web page, like for a lab, please add that specific url
  5. Phone
  6. Biography
  7. Education


4. Review your changes on your public profile (Search for yourself again and then click your name to view your public profile).


5. Have a nice day.