Youth development

Activities for youth, children and families

The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program promotes hands-on, experiential learning for all youth ages 5-19. Many projects can help keep children engaged while school is out.

Want to learn how to handle your money? 

Is civic engagement your thing?

Try one of these projects

Explore the many other project options: 4-H Project Sheets - California 4-H Youth Development Program

Like being active and well? 

Interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)? 

Do you like animals?

  1. Welcome to our animal Education Series
  2. Why BarSZ Rabbits Eat their Poop
  3. Colton’s Heifer Gets Impregnated!
  4. Baby goats born on the ranch
  5. Maddi demonstrates rabbit showmanship
  6. Maddi demonstrates cavy showmanship

Like to see things grow?  

Feeling stressed? Try these projects

Explore the many other project options: 4-H Project Sheets - California 4-H Youth Development Program

Get Involved

UC 4-H

For more: 

Educational resources for all youth ages 

Explore these youth and family resources 

Visit the UC ANR publication catalog