26950 Manton Road
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Spring 2025 Shooting Sports Instructor Meeting
Tehama Shooters Association Range in Red Bluff, CA
Please register by March 24, 2025.
Event runs Saturday, March 29, 2025, 8:00 AM - 4:00 pm through Sunday, March 30, 2025, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM.
Calling ALL Shooting Sports Instructors - this includes certified adult volunteers, certified teen leaders, shooting sports volunteers who support the project but are not certified in a discipline, and 4-H staff.
This mandatory* meeting is a two-day event filled with:
- Program updates
- Discipline-specific networking
- Range time
- Special guest speakers
- Updates on the 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador program
- National Championship information
- Information on Fundraising opportunities
- And more!
Attendance at this 2-day session will extend your current 4-H discipline certification(s) by one (1) year, provided you did not already attend the meeting in Winton, CA.
*Mandatory means that all shooting sports volunteers should make every attempt to attend. Every county engaged in shooting sports programming should have at least one representative in attendance.
Register Now
Please help us plan by registering early. Final registration deadline is March 24, 2025.
Fee: $40 to cover materials, supplies, meals and drinks, and targets. Breakfast, snacks, drinks, and lunch will be provided on both days. You must secure your own lodging.
Fees can be paid online using a credit card or by check, payable to UC Regents, sent to the UCCE Shasta County office. Please see the registration form for the mailing address. We recommend contacting your county staff and/or 4-H club leadership to ask about providing support for your travel, lodging, and fees.
Registration: Nate Caeton nwcaeton@ucanr.edu
Shooting Sports: Russell Hill rdhill@ucanr.edu or Nate Caeton nwcaeton@ucanr.edu